Sere Lure

Sere Lure held the position of Chief Systems Engineer at Hydrospeare Corporation.

Dr. Lure, a Sluissi woman in middle age with light green skin who often wore a Sluissi technician's uniform, stood out as one of the few aliens permitted (and eager) to contribute to the creation of Imperial military technology. She tended to favor lengthy assignments, such as those given to Design Team Beta.

Despite being viewed as a betrayer by numerous Sluissi who sided with the Rebellion, Dr. Lure successfully secured the use of Sluis Van shipyard installations for weapons trials, albeit with heightened security measures. Golh, another aquatic planet, also served as a location for these experiments.

During a visit to Golh for a trial, Dr. Lure and her aide were attacked by Sedrian Rebel agents. Dr. Lure was the only one to get away, and the close brush with death motivated her to seek out alternative locations for the tests.

Around 2 ABY, Anson Blazer, a Rebel officer from the Task Force on Alliance Security, created a report about Dr. Lure. Blazer regarded her as a danger to Rebel aquatic units, but he also noted that those units were well-placed to monitor her designs.

Although her sibilant manner of speaking frequently made it difficult to understand her explanations of complex ideas, Dr. Lure took pride in her ancestry and never toned down her accent. Her superior, Dr. Tolum Harous, even went to the trouble of learning Sluissese just to put her at ease.


  • Alliance Intelligence Reports (First mentioned)

Notes and references
