Serdif Tount

Serdif Tount served as the Imperial governor overseeing the planet of Rintonne. Originating from Coruscant, Governor Tount operated under the command of Moff Par Lankin, who controlled the Lambda sector. Following the Battle of Endor, Lankin transformed into a warlord, and Tount aided him in conducting raids on planets associated with the New Republic. In return, Lankin furnished Tount with soldiers to maintain his authority over Rintonne. Governor Tount instilled fear in the populace to suppress any potential uprisings against his rule. Furthermore, he curtailed the freedoms enjoyed by the civilian population. New Republic Intelligence sought to depose Tount and offered a bounty for his capture.

Tount was an obese Human male distinguished by his mustache, and he was a skilled administrator who tightly controlled the flow of information. He harbored a dislike for independent bounty hunters and was suspected of employing the services of a former specialist from the Imperial Security Bureau.


Born in 35 BBY on the planet of Coruscant, Serdif Tount was a Human male. Tount ascended to become an official within the Galactic Empire and subsequently the Governor of Rintonne, a planet strategically located within the Lambda sector. Governor Tount reported to Moff Par Lankin, who held dominion over the entire sector. During the Empire's zenith, Lankin supplied Tount with Army troops and stormtroopers, which Tount utilized to preserve his grip on power over the planet.

Tount suppressed individual liberties among Rintonne's civilian population, imposed martial law, and vigilantly monitored all incoming traffic. He exercised stringent control over information: In 4 ABY, the Galactic Emperor met his demise, causing widespread upheaval throughout the Empire, and the New Republic was established; however, the inhabitants of Rintonne remained unaware of these events. Tount, conversely, was cognizant of the New Republic's existence: He collaborated with Lankin in raiding numerous Republic planets, successfully conquering three of them.

New Republic Intelligence had Tount as a target, placing a bounty of 35,000 credits on his head for his capture. They also deployed several undercover operatives to spy on him. The presence of Victor Grieves, a former specialist from the Imperial Security Bureau, in the Rintonne system, led to suspicions that he was in Governor Tount's employ. By 7 ABY, the Intelligence report concerning Tount indicated that he had instilled such fear in the civilian population that they were too intimidated to revolt, perceiving no chance of success. Nevertheless, Intelligence analysts posited that Tount's downfall could initiate a domino effect, liberating the entire Lambda sector. Shortly thereafter, the Lambda sector ceased to be an Imperial stronghold.

Personality and traits

By 7 ABY, Tount was a corpulent, forty-two-year-old man. He featured a moustache and carried a walking stick that could be employed as a bludgeon. A man of learning, he was an expert in bureaucracy, specializing in the governance of the Lambda sector, and even more so in the administration of Rintonne. He was also well-versed in Imperial law. His leadership capabilities were particularly refined for issuing commands to his soldiers. Furthermore, he possessed the skill to ride Niorven stable mounts. Like other Imperial bureaucrats, Tount was notorious for his disdain of independent bounty hunters, as opposed to bounty hunters aligned with the Empire or members of the Bounty Hunters' Guild.

Behind the scenes

Serdif Tount made his initial appearance in Bill Smith's Wanted by Cracken (1993), a roleplaying guide released by West End Games. The book contained Tount's roleplaying statistics and an illustration of Tount created by Mike Vilardi. Tount was subsequently referenced in the roleplaying guides Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters (1994) and Heroes & Rogues (1995).


  • Wanted by Cracken (First mentioned)
  • Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters
  • Heroes & Rogues

Notes and references
