Seleno Chandro

Seleno Chandro was a bounty hunter of the Jaluku species who previously had ties to the Bounty Hunters' Guild. After the Battle of Endor occurred, he became well-known for apprehending Imperial runaways, which led to a growing fear that the First Order would retaliate against him. In the year 35 ABY, he joined numerous others in answering the Resistance's call for assistance in defeating Darth Sidious and the Sith Eternal on the planet of Exegol. Following the victory of the Resistance and their allies, Chandro, along with many others, went back to the Resistance base located on the moon of Ajan Kloss to celebrate their success.


Seleno Chandro, a Jaluku bounty hunter, was at one time affiliated with the Bounty Hunters' Guild. After the Galactic Empire suffered a major defeat at the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Chandro distinguished himself by capturing numerous Imperial fugitives. Having established a significant reputation for capturing Imperials, he was careful to avoid any interaction with the First Order, which emerged from the remnants of the fallen Empire. In 35 ABY, Chandro, no longer a Guild member, was among the many independent individuals who responded to the plea for assistance from Resistance operatives Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca. They sought aid in defeating the forces of the Sith Eternal in the skies above the planet Exegol.

Chandro, along with the other volunteers, was guided by Calrissian and Chewbacca through the hyperspace anomalies present in the Unknown Regions to Exegol. Upon arrival, they immediately engaged the Sith Eternal's fleet, known as the Final Order, stationed there. Shortly after their arrival, the vessels belonging to the Resistance and their allies were temporarily disabled by the Force lightning unleashed by the Sith Lord Darth Sidious. However, control was regained once the Sith shifted his focus to battling the Jedi Rey. The Resistance and its allies ultimately emerged victorious, and Chandro was among those who celebrated their triumph back at the Resistance base situated on the jungle moon of Ajan Kloss. As the pirate Maz Kanata was reunited with Chewbacca, Chandro stood beside the droid AL1-L3. Later, he stood at the edge of the crowd cheering as the Resistance heroes Rey, Poe Dameron and Finn embraced.

Personality and traits

Seleno Chandro was an alien characterized by white skin and yellow hair. His well-known reputation for capturing Imperials instilled in Chandro a paranoia regarding potential reprisals from the First Order, leading him to diligently avoid any contact with them.


Chandro was heavily armed, carrying an A310 rifle. He wore a black outfit that included a pair of gloves and a pair of threat-magnifying data goggles. His personal transport was a modified D-wing fighter.

Behind the scenes

Wizard 50 by Jake Lunt Davies

Seleno Chandro was a character developed for the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, the final installment in the sequel trilogy. His identity was first revealed in the reference book Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo. Jake Lunt Davies, a creature concept designer, created concept art of Chandro for the film, titling it "Wizard 50." Internally, the character was referred to as "Pointy Chin" or "Carrot Head," although Davies envisioned a parsnip as inspiration during the design process.

