Scythe harvester

The scythe harvester, a tracked vehicle, served the Confederacy of Independent Systems throughout the Clone Wars.


A scythe harvester taking down two LAAT/i gunships

Equipped on the scythe harvester were six laser cannons, alongside a potent laser scythe. The laser scythe created clearings for the vehicle and possessed the capability to eliminate LAAT/i gunships.


In a battle that took place on a farming moon circling the planet Kashyyyk, two scythe harvesters were deployed. During this engagement, the scythe harvesters devastated the area's farmlands and obliterated a number of LAAT/i gunships, thereby leaving clone troopers under the leadership of Clone Commander Gree without aerial assistance. Grand Master Yoda utilized a native reptavian to access the top of a scythe harvester, which he then seized and employed against its counterpart.

