Scratch (minstyngar)

Scratch was a notably large minstyngar that made its home in the Shadowlands, the shadowy lower region of the forests located on the planet Kashyyyk.

A spacer dispatched by either Harwakokok the Mighty or Krepauk brought about its demise in 1 ABY.

Behind the scenes

Scratch made its initial appearance in Star Wars Galaxies, specifically within Rage of the Wookiees, which served as the second expansion pack for Sony Online Entertainment's MMORPG. The Wookiee Harwakokok requests the player eliminate Scratch in the quest called The Smiting of Old Scratch to gain Harwakokok's faith.

The being resurfaced in the Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game scenario titled Minstyngar Hunt, an event offered during March and April of 2010. In this instance, the Wookiee Krepauk tasks the player with slaying the creature and delivering its head to him. The definitive account of Scratch's death remains ambiguous.

