Scorch was a male Human bounty hunter who made a name for himself during the Cold War era. This conflict was between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. He earned the moniker "Scorch" due to his frequent deployment of a flamethrower.
Throughout his career as a bounty hunter, Scorch rapidly became known for his preferred weapon and the nickname it inspired: he primarily used a flamethrower when pursuing his targets. His indiscriminate use of this weapon led to the accidental incineration of several individuals, tragically including his own girlfriend.
In 3643 BBY, Scorch, along with his romantic partners Egara and Riloh, were in the employ of Rogun Matt'rik. The trio journeyed to Coruscant with the intention of claiming a bounty on a smuggler who had misplaced a shipment of blasters belonging to Rogun. They confronted the smuggler in the Dealer's Den cantina upon his return from a deal. However, Scorch became irritated by Egara and Riloh's romantic banter and boldly challenged the captain. Scorch was eager to charge in with his flamethrower and seize the bounty, but the smuggler managed to persuade Riloh that killing him was a poor choice. The three then left the cantina, with Scorch lamenting that he could have afforded a rocket launcher if they had secured the bounty.
During the encounter where the smuggler meets the three bounty hunters, player choices can lead Egara to believe that she has tracked down the wrong individual, rather than the one listed on the bounty. However, if the player provokes any of the three, Scorch will launch an attack with his flamethrower, exclaiming, "Let's burn it up!" This article operates under the assumption of 100% game completion, avoiding scenarios where the "Attack" option is selected. Therefore, the main narrative reflects the outcome where the three are convinced to abandon the bounty and leave the smuggler unharmed. Alternatively, the player can deceive the trio into venturing into Black Sun territory, leading to their demise, by falsely claiming to have spotted Skavak, who supposedly has a significantly higher bounty than them, at the Black Sun Headquarters.