Scenic replicator

A scenic replicator in operation within a side chamber of the Arcade Omicron cantina. The scenic replicator functioned as a machine able to generate simulated planetary environments for patrons' enjoyment. Within the Arcade Omicron cantina on the planet Bescane, the presence of a scenic replicator was typical. Employed in smaller, adjacent chambers leading from the primary cantina space, the device utilized hologram technology to convert these rooms into visualizations of chosen planets. The replicator offered a variety of environments, which included the swuvehorn clubs found on Fegorosk IV, the frozen ice geysers of Hoth, the woodlands of Kashyyyk, the bridge on a Star Destroyer, the mountainous terrain of Ryloth, the arid deserts of Tatooine, and the tropical coastal regions of Wroona.

