Samuro, a Jedi Knight, existed centuries prior to the Clone Wars. Aware of the danger presented by the energy vampire, the Countess named Rajine, he imprisoned her along with those she had drained on a faraway world. By using the Force to create a barrier over the world, Samuro gave his own life to prevent Rajine and her victims from escaping. Before his death, Samuro created a message within his Jedi holocron meant for Rajine and instructed his droid, Z-18, to deliver it to the Jedi destined to arrive on that world.
Many years later, during the Clone Wars, [Mace Windu](/article/mace_windu/legends], a Jedi Master, found himself on Rajine's planet. After Rajine captured and imprisoned Windu, Z-18 liberated the recently arrived Jedi and presented him with Samuro's holocron. When Windu confronted Rajine and activated the holocron, Samuro's image appeared, and together, they recited an incantation that released the life-forces of Rajine's zombies. These victims then turned against the Countess, resulting in her demise.

Samuro, a male Jedi Knight, existed centuries before the Clone Wars era. He recognized the danger posed by Countess Rajine, a Jedi who had become an energy vampire capable of draining the life-forces of sentients. Samuro took action, imprisoning Rajine and her victims within a city located on a remote planet. He sacrificed himself by using the Force to erect a barrier over the world, ensuring that Rajine and her victims could not escape. Following his death, Samuro's legacy included his lightsaber and his droid, Z-18, who was forced into Rajine's service. He also left behind a Jedi holocron with Z-18, instructing the droid to deliver it to a Jedi who would eventually arrive on Rajine's world.
Centuries later, during the Clone Wars, Mace Windu, a Jedi Master, arrived at the city on Rajine's planet, seeking the Alpha-2 Squad of clone troopers. Rajine and her zombies captured him and imprisoned him within the city. However, Z-18, revealing his past service to Samuro, freed Windu. The droid presented Windu with his former master's holocron, explaining that Samuro had foreseen Windu's arrival and knew he would understand its purpose. Windu confronted Rajine, who destroyed Z-18 for his betrayal. Activating the holocron, Windu received a message from Samuro stating that while he alone lacked the power to defeat Rajine, he could do so with the aid of another Jedi. The message revealed that reciting the "words of banishment" together would free the life-forces of Rajine's victims. United, Samuro's image and Windu recited the incantation, causing the zombies to turn against Rajine and ultimately kill her.

Samuro, a Jedi Knight, was a member of the Jedi Order. He identified the threat posed by Rajine, a fellow Jedi who had become an energy vampire, and took action to imprison her on a remote world. Recognizing his own limitations in destroying her, Samuro willingly sacrificed himself to confine Rajine and her victims to the planet. In his holocron message to Rajine, Samuro expressed that his Jedi code prevented him from seeking revenge. However, he did not object to Rajine's victims seeking vengeance themselves. Physically, Samuro had pointed ears and a small nose.
To imprison Rajine on the remote world, Samuro utilized the Force to create a barrier, trapping Rajine and her victims. His Force powers were instrumental in containing Rajine and her zombies within the city. Before his death, he constructed a Jedi holocron, recording a message containing an incantation designed to defeat Rajine.
Samuro carried a lightsaber and wore typical brown Jedi robes.
Samuro first appeared in the short story No Way Out, part of the ninth volume of the Clone Wars Adventures trade paperbacks. Matthew and Shawn Fillbach both wrote and drew No Way Out. Samuro was later included in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. While the encyclopedia entries for Z-18 and Samuro identify him as a Jedi Knight, the entry for Rajine incorrectly refers to him as a Jedi Master.