Samran Phesh

Samran Phesh held the rank of captain within the Galactic Empire and led Squadron Six as its squadron leader in the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing. Yrica Quell, a defector from the Empire, considered how Phesh might have handled the Imperial troops when Nath Tensent described his unsuccessful attack against the Trenchenovu shipyards. Phesh was once jokingly declared the Lord-Protector's jester by Squadron Six during the Feast of Lord-Protector Jarmanidath, a celebration in the Colonies, despite his previous strong opposition to the event, where he acted more as a supervisor and even prohibited his squadron from going on two occasions.

Behind the scenes

The character Samran Phesh was initially referenced in Alphabet Squadron, a 2019 novel and the initial entry in the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy penned by Alexander Freed. This pilot then made an appearance in Shadow Fall: An Alphabet Squadron Novel, the second novel in Freed's series, which was published in 2020. Phesh's given name, Samran, was revealed in Victory's Price: An Alphabet Squadron Novel, the concluding novel of the trilogy released in 2021.

