
A male Yarkora, named Saell-Terae, professed to be an antiquities merchant. He owned the vessel Lost Reef and dedicated some time to charting the Unknown Regions, though his motives remain unclear. After an encounter with Grand Admiral Thrawn, Saell-Terae was compelled to, at least temporarily, relinquish his ship. He was male.


Saell-Terae, who described himself as an antiquities dealer, acquired the DeepWater-class light freighter submersible Lost Reef from a private auction. This vessel was constructed by Mon Calamari shipbuilders. His apparent intention was to utilize the ship for mapping sections of the Unknown Regions, despite lacking any immediate financial objectives for this endeavor.

In pursuit of this goal, Saell-Terae implemented several modifications to the ship. This included swapping the standard Calamari life-support system for a different model designed for beings not adapted to aquatic environments. He also enhanced the shielding, installed advanced targeting computers, and equipped the ship with potent, concealed weaponry that the Galactic Empire would have deemed illegal.

During his time in the Unknown Regions, Saell-Terae obtained a trio of gem-incrusted statues created by a warlord belonging to a local, primitive species. At the time, this species was in conflict with Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Galactic Empire, who was an art enthusiast. Thrawn, seeking to analyze the species' artwork to better understand his adversaries, offered to purchase the statues from Saell-Terae. However, the Yarkora declined for reasons unknown. This refusal displeased Thrawn, and Saell-Terae was subsequently forced to flee from Imperial forces, including the capital ship Admonitor.

Ultimately, to evade Thrawn's agents, Saell-Terae went into hiding from the Empire. He erased the Lost Reef's navigation computer data and abandoned the ship near the Elrood sector within the Outer Rim Territories. He did, however, leave the statues on the ship's pontoon. Furthermore, he inadvertently left behind a hidden dataplaque containing detailed astrogation charts within the airlock. Subsequently, the ship was found mysteriously adrift.

Personality and traits

Saell-Terae's true motivations remained shrouded in secrecy, but he was known for never seeking profit in any negotiation he undertook.

Saell-Terae held a fondness for his ship. Upon being compelled to abandon it, he anticipated that a new crew would claim it. Saell-Terae intended to reclaim the Lost Reef and was prepared to resort to lethal force against its new owners if necessary.


  • Stock Ships (First mentioned)
