S40K Phoenix Hawk-class light pinnace

The S40K Phoenix Hawk-class light pinnace is considered an earlier design that paved the way for the well-known Firespray-31-class patrol craft.


The main purpose of the Phoenix Hawk-class was to enable the transportation of small groups of people across vast interstellar distances.

The design was driven by a commendable ambition: to produce a personal spacecraft that would be within the financial reach of all societal levels, thereby democratizing space travel. However, to achieve this affordability, KSE implemented numerous cost-cutting measures, aiming to broaden their market beyond just the affluent.

The interior space of the Phoenix Hawk-class was, at best, restrictive, and opportunities for customization or upgrades were minimal. Ironically, the resulting vessel was so basic and unadorned that the wealthy elite of the galaxy showed absolutely no interest in acquiring it.

Adding to these issues was the somewhat clumsy aesthetic of the Phoenix Hawk-class pinnace, which bore a resemblance to a bulkier version of the Firespray-31-class. It had a length of 19.2 meters, and it could hold a maximum of four passengers.

The Phoenix Hawk-class could be operated by a single pilot, but it also included a space for a co-pilot to assist as a gunner and manage the ship's systems. It featured adequate armor and a useful array of weapons, including two heavy blaster cannon and two light ion cannon for defensive purposes. Consequently, it was a capable starship well-suited for extended voyages into the perilous and remote sectors of the galaxy.


The Phoenix Hawk-class pinnace, designated S40K, was among the initial spacecraft designed and manufactured by Kuat Systems Engineering in the years leading up to the outbreak of the Clone Wars. Sales figures for the Phoenix Hawk remained consistent near the conclusion of the Galactic Republic era but experienced a decline during the Galactic Empire's rule.

Following the re-integration of Kuat Systems Engineering into Kuat Drive Yards, production of the series was halted. Once a common sight during the Old Republic, the Phoenix Hawk-class pinnace gradually disappeared from view during Palpatine's imperial reign, eventually becoming almost unknown by the time of his downfall.

Behind the scenes

Within the Living Force roleplaying campaign, the Phoenix Hawk is one of only three starfighter options available for player purchase; the other two being the Z-95 Headhunter and the Gun tug. As the sole starfighter offering an integrated hyperdrive, it has frequently emerged as the preferred starfighter choice among players participating in the campaign.

