S'yito, a male Yuuzhan Vong, belonged to the warrior caste. During the invasion of the galaxy by his species, S'yito was stationed as a subaltern on the prison planet of Selvaris. Despite being subordinate to Malik Carr, the chief officer of the penal colony, S'yito, dedicated to his role, managed many of the camp's operations. He dedicated time to understanding the prisoners he oversaw, even becoming fluent in Basic.
Despite his proficiency in their language, prisoners often mocked and deceived S'yito, especially after Pash Cracken and Judder Page, Galactic Alliance veterans, joined the captives and orchestrated a successful escape. S'yito's guards pursued the four escapees from the Selvaris camp, but failed to stop a Jenet from fleeing off-world with crucial information. Commander Carr punished S'yito's warriors for their failure, but S'yito himself was spared execution. On the commander's orders, S'yito led a group of warriors to execute villagers suspected of aiding the escapees.
S'yito, a male Yuuzhan Vong, was a member of the Warrior caste. During the Yuuzhan Vong War, a conflict engulfing the galaxy, S'yito was assigned to Selvaris, situated in the Tantara system within the Inner Rim, alongside the disgraced former commander, Malik Carr. Carr's demotion and assignment to Selvaris, a remote backwater, followed the disaster suffered by his forces at Fondor. While Carr held overall command of the prison, S'yito managed the internal affairs of the penal colony, established to house prisoners for eventual sacrifice in grand ceremonies. The Subaltern considered executing the captives held at the camp—including notable enemies from the failed Operation Trinity by the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. S'yito felt the need for a full complement of warriors to guard Selvaris indicated the invasion's struggles. Nevertheless, S'yito maintained a strong interest in his adversaries. He achieved fluency in Galactic Basic, mastering the language of the infidels almost as well as Malik Carr. He familiarized himself with the prisoners' customs and routines, guarding them during their labor and engaging in debates. On one occasion, as the prisoners reluctantly disposed of their dead in a maw luur, S'yito expressed disbelief that they didn't understand the Yuuzhan Vong's worship of pain and death for their gods. Covered in blood, a common Yuuzhan Vong custom, S'yito emphasized the infidels' hopeless situation by crushing a small native insect against his chest.
S'yito dismissed the prisoners' complaints about Yuuzhan Vong food as insincere attempts to provoke him. However, Commander Malik Carr ordered food from nearby settlements, inadvertently providing the prisoners with the means to stage a break-out weeks before the liberation of the reshaped galactic capital from S'yito's people. One hot day, a Ryn arrived from a settlement with food. S'yito and his lieutenants searched the supplies but found nothing suspicious. The Ryn even eased S'yito's suspicions by expressing faith in Yun-Yuuzhan and addressing S'yito as "Fearsome One," an honorific for commanders. S'yito allowed the Ryn to enter, unaware that the food-bearer carried vital information in a holowafer and belonged to his species' intelligence network. During the captives' lunch break, S'yito patrolled while Judder Page, Pash Cracken, Thorsh, and others found the Holowafer in their food, memorizing the binary code. However, S'yito suspected something amiss when a sabacc game, staged as a cover for Cracken and Page's examination of the holowafer, occurred during the midday meal. S'yito and his guards stormed into the eating shelter, demanding answers. Page mocked the Subaltern until S'yito left, unable to determine the cause of the unusual behavior.
Hours before sunrise, the prisoners initiated their escape. Three Bith and the Jenet Thorsh escaped through a secret tunnel on swoops hidden by the same Ryn months earlier, carrying the vital data for the Alliance command. The prison camp's guards began the chase, some in coralskippers, others on Tsik vai, and some on foot with bissop hounds. Only one prisoner, Thorsh, ultimately escaped. The surviving Bith was returned to the camp, where Malik Carr, a furious S'yito, the guards, and the other prisoners awaited. Page, Cracken, and the others were forced to assemble in the midday sun and watched as S'yito dragged the Bith out and dumped the wounded alien in the sand. Before the Bith could be punished, Commander Carr, as punishment for the failure, ordered six of S'yito's warriors to execute a half-dozen others present; the slain were randomly selected, with S'yito only giving the order. The Subaltern watched as Carr interrogated and choked the Bith to death with a tkun. Carr ordered S'yito and his men to escort the prisoners to an immolation pit outside the prison walls, where Carr ushered the captives into its depths. S'yito was then instructed to take a group of his guards and slaughter everyone in the surrounding villages for aiding the break-out.
S'yito was intelligent and capable, yet he failed to truly understand the spirit and courage of his prisoners. He was a firm believer in his species' religion, but lacked enthusiasm for the indoctrination and subjugation of those he deemed infidels. He believed the prisoners should have been executed, asserting that there was no "middle way" between being a Yuuzhan Vong and being dead. S'yito disregarded the lives of non-Yuuzhan Vong, but remained restrained, silent, and understanding as Malik Carr ordered the deaths of several of his guards. His loyalty and devotion to his warrior life allowed him to act violently and without remorse, though S'yito desired to see himself escalated beyond his current position.
Subaltern S'yito appears only in the initial chapters of The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force by James Luceno, released in 2005. This novel concluded The New Jedi Order series.