Rohan Wayside served as the head of a trading village located within the swamp regions of Naboo during the planet's invasion that occurred in 32 BBY. Soon after hostilities commenced, the Trade Federation's forces initiated an attack upon the village occupied by Wayside and their community, demanding their capitulation. The traders retreated further into the swamps utilizing their houseboats, but they were targeted by gunboats when they declined to surrender. Captain Kael and Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes of the Naboo Resistance came to the aid of Wayside and their people. As an expression of gratitude, Wayside dispatched their most skilled pilot, Vedd Deviss, to lead the Naboo resistance to a powerful smuggler. The acquired intelligence ultimately assisted the Royal Naboo Security Forces in bringing the invasion to an end.
Rohan Wayside was initially featured in the video game Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo, released in 2000. In the mission where they are present, the player, in the role of Sykes, is given the objective of rescuing several houseboats. The game does not specify which houseboat Wayside resides in. Doug Boyd provided their voice acting.