Rogue Doctrine, a combat strategy conceived by Luke Skywalker in collaboration with Rebel Alliance strategist Beryl Chiffonage, with input from Risiev Credal, was intended for the T-47 airspeeders stationed at Echo Base on the planet of Hoth.
Following the Empire's discovery of Echo Base's location, Skywalker and Chiffonage anticipated an impending assault by Imperial walkers. Consequently, they devised three distinct tactical approaches to confront the advancing AT-AT walkers, all while striving to secure sufficient time for the base's transports to evacuate.

This specific maneuver called for a squadron of snowspeeders to engage an AT-AT in a linear, single-file arrangement, presenting a concentrated target for the enemy gunners. Once within optimal firing range, the lead speeder would initiate an attack before disengaging. Given the AT-AT's limited targeting capacity, the remaining speeders would gain an unobstructed firing lane at the walker before dispersing in separate directions.
The second maneuver was derived from a technique Skywalker employed to hunt banthas using his T-16 skyhopper on Tatooine. Two speeders would approach a walker from the rear, positioned on either side. The lead speeder would then intersect the walker's field of vision to attract its fire, while simultaneously crossing the second speeder's trajectory. This would expose the AT-AT's vulnerable neck region to the second speeder, creating an ideal opportunity for an attack.

Despite the AT-AT's formidable destructive capacity, it remained fundamentally a machine. By utilizing the T-47's harpoons and tow cables to ensnare the walker's legs, the colossal machine could be effectively toppled, causing it to collapse under its own immense weight. This third offensive strategy proved particularly effective during the Battle of Hoth, where multiple AT-ATs were disabled using this very tactic.
- Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back
- The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook
- The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, Second Edition
- Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, Second Edition
- Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 10