Rogue assassin

Clone Jet Trooper Rogue Assassin. The Rogue Assassin was a clone who donned a modified version of the Phase II Jet Trooper armor. During the time of the Imperial regime, he operated as a hired assassin, frequently employed by the Empire to hunt down stormtrooper defectors on planets like Mygeeto and Dagobah. Seemingly devoid of a moral compass, he displayed no hesitation when given the assignment to eliminate a pro-Imperial regiment of his own kind stationed on Yavin 4.

His favored arsenal typically included a DC-15A blaster rifle, alongside a DC-15S blaster pistol and thermal detonators. Furthermore, he possessed considerable skill in the operation of a jetpack.


The Rogue Assassin's initial documented mission took place on Polis Massa. His objective was to eliminate multiple IG-100 MagnaGuards functioning as officers for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, while the Trade Federation and the Techno Union were preoccupied with an internal conflict. Subsequently, the Alliance to Restore the Republic contracted him to assassinate several Galactic Marines who were serving as commanders for an early Imperial unit of clone troopers positioned on Yavin 4. Later on, the Galactic Empire engaged the Rogue Assassin to eliminate deserted Imperial officers located on Mygeeto and Dagobah.

