Rodis, a planet of the Legends continuity, existed in the Rodis system within the Sugai sector. This homeworld of the Rodisar species was a primitive world, constantly ravaged by warfare. The Sugai sector was a subsector of the Outer Zuma region, which itself resided within the Zuma sector of the Outer Rim Territories'. The Rodisar were known for engaging in seasonal conflicts known as the winter wars.
Nilo, a native Rodisar from Rodis, rose through the ranks of his world's corrupt military ranks through politicians he bribed, ultimately achieving the position of general. By 21.95 BBY, Zygerrian enslavers captured Nilo and his staff. Subsequently, the general was sold to war barons who resided on the world Rattatak.
The Databank entry for the character Nilo, which was released by December 17, 2003, marked the initial mention of Rodis. This character and his planet were created as an allusion to the name of Star Wars concept artist Nilo Rodis-Jamero. The reference book The Essential Atlas, published in 2009, located the Rodis system, and consequently the planet, at coordinates H-16.