Ria Clarr

Ria Clarr was a geologist and analyst, specifically a female human, who initially served the Galactic Empire. Her allegiance shifted to the rebellion after she uncovered the deceptive nature of Imperial propaganda.


Imperial service

As a female human, Ria Clarr was employed by the Galactic Empire and stationed in Capital City on the planet of Lothal. Her work within the Imperial Mining Institute involved conducting numerous research projects. During Lothal's industrial expansion, Clarr identified a valuable mineral deposit beneath the farms of Lothal's inhabitants. She then persuaded Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin that mining these ores would generate significant revenue. Based on the reports Clarr provided, Tarkin established Lothal re-settlement camp 43, relocating the population from their homes to the camp, which he ironically named "Tarkintown." Upon visiting the town for a subsequent survey, Clarr was horrified by the conditions and felt responsible for her part in the situation. From that moment forward, her positive view of the Empire was shattered. Torn between loyalty and defection, she feared the Empire's potential retaliation until she intercepted a HoloNet broadcast from a young rebel, Ezra Bridger.

Taking the bets

Clarr stole a sabacc pot from Lando Calrissian, leading him to follow her to Tarkintown.

Inspired by Bridger's message, Clarr wiped the geological survey databases of Lothal and absconded from Capital City. Seeking assistance from a rebel, she sought out Old Jho's Pit Stop. She joined a Sabacc game that included Lando Calrissian, Cikatro Vizago, and Jho. During the course of the game, Vizago increased the stakes by adding a large number of credit chits to the Sabacc pot, raising the bet by a thousand. Calrissian put up the keycard to his Ubrikkian 9,000 landspeeder, which he had acquired for scouting potential mining locations on the farmland he had bought from Vizago. While Jho and Clarr folded, Clarr seized the opportunity to steal the pot while the other two were distracted, making her escape towards Tarkintown aboard Calrissian's landspeeder. Shortly after her departure, an Imperial Troop Transport arrived at the Pit Stop, seeking information about a fleeing rebel. When a stormtrooper squad leader presented a holographic image of Clarr, Calrissian recognized her as the woman he had been playing with and realized she was a rebel on the run. Knowing that Jho would never jeopardize his establishment by handing someone over to the Empire, Calrissian instead claimed that she had left just a few minutes prior.

Giving for the poor

Upon reaching the town, Clarr distributed the stolen credit chits to the refugees. Calrissian and Vizago tracked her down using Calrissian's chrono, which was linked to his speeder's navigation system. Witnessing her act of generosity, Vizago threatened her with his blaster pistol, but Calrissian stepped into the line of fire, recognizing something in Clarr that reminded him of the rebels who had assisted him. After Calrissian inquired, Clarr shared her story and requested his assistance, specifying that she needed a rebel like him to help her. He initially declined, stating his reluctance to become involved in a revolution. She countered by saying that she once felt the same, but that he would inevitably lose if he didn't take part.

Becoming a rebel

Moments later, an ITT transport arrived at the town, carrying the same stormtrooper squad that had visited Old Jho's Pit Stop. The squad leader, recognizing Calrissian, demanded to know Clarr's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Clarr stealthily approached the ITT vehicle, exchanging a quick glance with Calrissian. He diverted the troopers' attention from the transport, allowing Clarr to infiltrate the vehicle and seize control of its weaponry, fatally shooting the squad leader in the back. The remaining two stormtroopers turned and focused their fire on the transport's open hatch. Clarr sustained injuries to her hip and abdomen, but they were not life-threatening. Before the stormtroopers could inflict further harm, the refugees emerged from their settlements and overwhelmed them, saving Clarr.

Following a brief skirmish in Tarkintown, the refugees, under Clarr's direction, began to arm themselves with Imperial blasters found inside the troop transport, as well as custom-made weapons. Due to her injuries, Clarr was confined to a repulsor sled. Calrissian advised Clarr to board Vizago's freighter and leave Lothal, warning her that the Empire would return in force and show no mercy to prisoners. Despite the danger, she refused to leave and expressed her gratitude to Calrissian before bidding him farewell. Just like the young boy who inspired others to resist Imperial tyranny, Clarr provided purpose and inspiration to the people of Tarkintown, and would continue her fight against the Empire.

Behind the scenes

Ria Clarr is a character featured in Rebel Bluff, a short story penned by Michael Kogge and published in Star Wars Insider 158.

