Reveth, a Twi'lek of female persuasion, was a valued member of Sidon Ithano's pirate crew.

Reveth, serving as part of Sidon Ithano's pirate crew, found herself on the planet of Ponemah Terminal when Pendewqell managed to decode a transmission originating from the Obrexta III. Consequently, the crew embarked on a quest aboard the Shrike to search for what was believed to be the hidden treasure of Count Dooku. After her fellow pirate Reeg Brosna was tragically swept away by a powerful class three sandstorm in the treacherous Sea of Sand, Reveth stepped up to assume control of the gunning station. During an assault on the Shrike by Scorza's gang and the menacing Gray Gundarks, she ingeniously deployed magnetic tow cables, launching them via torpedo onto the side of Scorza's skiff. This maneuver was crucial in extracting the Shrike from the dangerous center of the sandstorm. A short while later, the kinetic disruptor, previously fired by Brosna, caused the sandstorm's particles to freeze, enabling the remaining members of the Shrike's crew to successfully escape the intense confrontation.
Subsequently, the crew stumbled upon the wreckage of the Obrexta III. With a sense of urgency, they navigated through the ship, acutely aware of the potential reactivation of the battle droids on board. Reveth meticulously examined the ship's holo-schematics, ultimately pinpointing the location of its vault. Within the vault, they discovered a cryo-cycle stasis pod that housed CT-6116, a clone trooper from the Republic, known as "Kix". Pendewquell proceeded to open the pod, and Reveth attempted to assist the trooper in standing; however, he forcefully pushed her away, shouting incoherently. Kix engaged the pirates in combat, reliving his capture and interrogation at the hands of Separatist forces, before collapsing to the floor. Reveth astutely noted that he was likely suffering from stasis poisoning, and she promptly placed a breath mask over the clone's face after he finally lost consciousness. The crew then made a hasty retreat from the vault, carrying Kix with them as they sought to escape the wreckage. Upon reaching the hatch, they witnessed the devastating destruction of the Shrike by a sand worm. Ithano made the difficult decision to send his crew, along with the clone, out of the wreck in the sole remaining escape pod, sacrificing himself and remaining behind as the captain.
Approximately three weeks later, Reveth, accompanied by the other surviving crew members and Kix, found themselves in a bar on Ponemah when Ithano rejoined them, carrying the memory core from the Obrexta III. This core held the key to locating and salvaging the clandestine Separatist installations that had been left over from the Clone Wars.

Following Kix's integration into Ithano's crew, they continued their operations, raiding additional Separatist holdouts. In one instance, located within a misty swamp, Sidon Ithano, Reveth, and Kix were caught in an ambush by B1 battle droids, which emerged from the ground in an attempt to reach the crew. C-3PO later recounted this event to some visitors, describing it as "spooky."
Reveth was also present during another raid on a former Separatist Munificent-class star frigate, where Quiggold was taken captive by a group of pirates, led by Gruk, in the Lost Clusters. However, Quiggold's capture was a deliberate part of their strategy, as he had secretly brought a beacon onto the ship. Reveth skillfully utilized this beacon to infiltrate the security systems of the Separatist ship, effectively seizing control and enabling the rest of the Crimson Corsair crew to board the vessel and ultimately defeat Gruk's crew. In the aftermath of the battle, Reveth was observed using an asteroid in close proximity to the frigate to enhance the range of the hyperwave scanner, with the goal of locating any remaining Separatist ships in the area.

Reveth made her debut in the short story "The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku," penned by Landry Q. Walker. Her first visual representation appeared in the comic Star Wars Adventures Ashcan, also written by Walker. Artist Eric Jones created concept art of her for her appearance in the comic.
Despite the depiction of Reveth's left arm as cybernetic in Star Wars Adventures, subsequent sources, namely Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious and Star Wars: Smuggler's Guide, portray her with a cybernetic right arm. Consequently, this article assumes that her right arm is, in fact, a prosthetic.