Renegin, a Devaronian male who identified as a Mandalorian, made his living as a bounty hunter. Around 3643 BBY, he operated on the planet of Dromund Kaas. On Dromund Kaas, a group of Sith employed him to mark random citizens within Kaas City. He wasn't initially given a reason for this task. Renegin came to understand the purpose of the markings when the tagged citizens began to be murdered by the Sith. Suspicion for the murders soon fell on the bounty hunter, as a citizen named Weng Wrightsyn had observed the Devaronian following the eventual victims before they died. Wrightsyn then dispatched an agent of the Empire to capture Renegin. However, the bounty hunter explained the situation to this individual and instead hired the Imperial to mark Wrightsyn as the Sith's subsequent target. With Wrightsyn now marked for death, Renegin no longer had to be concerned about the accusations Wrightsyn was making. He then began to search for other jobs to recoup the money he had spent paying the Imperial.
Around 3643 BBY, Renegin, a male Devaronian Mandalorian, worked as a bounty hunter on the planet Dromund Kaas. In that time, a group of Sith hired him to set up a game. They asked him to tag a number of citizens in Kaas City, which was the capital of Dromund Kaas. Renegin accepted the assignment and selected at least seven random civilians, whom he tracked and tagged with tracking devices. Shortly after he started tagging people, those individuals began turning up dead, the victims of brutal killings. Realizing the nature of the "game" his employers were playing, the Devaronian confronted them about the killings. Although they admitted to killing the tagged victims, they asserted their right to do so.
Another citizen of Dromund Kaas, the Human Weng Wrightsyn, reported to the authorities that he had seen Renegin following and tagging the victims, suspecting him of being the murderer. The authorities declined to take action, claiming that Wrightsyn lacked evidence. As a result, the Human began seeking assistance elsewhere, while Renegin attempted to flee the planet after learning that he had been seen tagging the dead citizens.
As he was about to board a shuttle to Dromund Kaas spaceport, Renegin was confronted by an Imperial agent hired by Wrightsyn to deliver justice and apprehend the suspected murderer. The Devaronian explained his situation to the individual and requested assistance, presenting two possible solutions. He informed the Imperial that they would either have to tag Wrightsyn, which would lead to his death and thus end the suspicion against Renegin, or stop the Sith from continuing their game. The individual chose to silence Wrightsyn. Renegin then provided them with his tagging device, which the Imperial used to mark Wrightsyn for death. With his problem resolved, Renegin paid the individual, but was left with insufficient credits to leave Dromund Kaas. Consequently, he began searching for additional work.
Renegin readily accepted the job of tagging civilians without asking questions, as the compensation was satisfactory. However, upon discovering what had happened to those he had tagged, the Devaronian attempted to flee. When confronted about the murders, he was willing to give the Imperial all the money he possessed to resolve the issue, stating that they could either stop the murderers or silence the man accusing him, even if it meant the murders would continue. When the Imperial chose to kill Wrightsyn, Renegin felt remorse for the doomed civilian, but also believed that he should have remained silent. Although Renegin had killed various people before his job tagging for the Sith, he believed that he had never murdered anyone, and tried to persuade himself that he was not to blame for the tagged civilians deaths as he had not killed them himself. The Devaronian had pink skin, brown eyes and no hair.
While on Dromund Kaas, Renegin carried a blaster pistol and wore blue Mandalorian armor.
Renegin made his debut in Star Wars: The Old Republic, a MMORPG launched by BioWare in 2011. In the game, he is involved in the optional quest "Sports Hunting" on Dromund Kaas, which is available to players of all Imperial classes. This article assumes that the quest was completed as part of one hundred percent game completion, but does not make any assumption about which character or characters helped Renegin.
Since "Sports Hunting" is an Imperial quest, this article assumes that the dark side option was chosen by players and Wrightsyn was tagged. Players can choose the light side option of tagging a number of Sith Acolytes around Kaas city instead, which leads to Renegin's clients attacking the Sith and being arrested and executed, stopping their game and clearing the Devaronian.