Reina Bilass, who was previously called Reina Ganzee, existed as a humanoid female Jedi Initiate in the time of the High Republic Era. She was born on level 1180 of the Coruscant Underworld, and in her youth, the Ganzee Gang discovered her. This infamous criminal organization, which exploited young children as operatives, brought her up on level 1014. Upon discovering Reina's Force-sensitive nature, the gang readily relinquished her to the Jedi Order with the expectation of future reciprocation. Nevertheless, the girl showed resistance, adopting "Bilass" as her new surname and displaying disapproval towards any perceived intrusion by the gang into the Temple District. Even as just an initiate, she took on a mentorship role for Lohim Nara, who was ineligible to become a Jedi Knight but was permitted to train as a Temple guardian.