Rei Soffran

Rei Soffran was a member of the Jedi Order who had achieved the rank of Jedi Master, and he was active in the last years of the Galactic Republic. He worked as a instructor at the Jedi Temple located on the planet of Coruscant, where he taught students at the intermediate level. As a teacher, he was highly respected, though his lessons were known to be challenging by those he taught. His students were often nervous when called to his private room, because the Jedi Master had the power to find a student's weaknesses, discover where they came from, and understand how they were linked to other things they did.

In the year 25 BBY, Granta Omega, a crime lord who was also a Force Blank, made reference to Soffran. Omega was trying to shock Padawan Anakin Skywalker with secret knowledge about the Jedi Order, hoping to attempted to seduce Skywalker to leave the Order and join him.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Soffran occurred in the 2003 novel Jedi Quest: The Shadow Trap, which was penned by Jude Watson.

