Reginna Bel Typolla, also known as Gina, was a female Human hailing from the planet of Malthor. After a period away from her home world where she became entangled in weapons smuggling, she went back to Malthor and took on an administrative role at the spaceport located in the city of Fabrillan. It was there that the Rebel Alliance recruited her to be a member of a sleeper cell identified as V-16.
Around 26 BBY, Gina entered the world on the planet of Malthor. Prior to 1 BBY, she engaged in gunrunning activities during the Medepiest Uprising. However, after surviving that conflict, she returned to Malthor and secured a position as a uniformed employee at the Fabrillan City Spaceport. Her specific duty involved reviewing the documentation of all vessels that docked at the facility, as well as creating administrative copies of their cargo and passenger manifests.
Around 1 BBY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic recruited her, making her a member of Sleeper Cell V-16. Her assignment was simply to share the data she had access to. On occasion, she provided particular details about Imperial troop movements through Fabrillan, or about smugglers and cargo pilots who might be valuable to the Alliance. However, her main function was to create extra copies of the vast amount of data she collected on shipping arriving at the port. She would then leave these copies in a dead-drop location every few days by discarding what appeared to be a damaged computer memory device.
Because of the secret methods Gina used to transmit information, she had no personal knowledge of other Alliance operatives except for the person who initially recruited her. She was also unaware that the information she supplied eventually reached Berren Sid Té, whom she only knew as the leader of a network of street vendors and possibly a local information broker. Furthermore, she believed that the Alliance was unaware of her previous activities as a gunrunner. However, even though Sid was not formally told of her identity, he was able to deduce it relatively easily because of the quantity of information he had access to. Senior Alliance figures like General Airen Cracken were fully informed about her past, which caused some concern that the Empire might have also discovered it.
Gina, a female Human and a Malthor native, demonstrated a willingness to stand against the Empire as both a gunrunner and an Alliance operative. However, she appeared content to offer support without becoming overtly involved. She also frequently underestimated how much others knew about her actions.
As a former smuggler who became a spaceport official, Gina possessed a broad understanding of cargo vessels and computer devices. She was also skilled at navigating security systems, bureaucratic procedures, and planetary society. Furthermore, she was a capable space pilot, especially with simpler starship models. She also had proficiency in systems like navacomps, repulsorlifts, sensors, and shields, as well as some mechanical aptitude with freighters. Her combat abilities were relatively weak and primarily defensive, but she was a reasonably good shot with the hold-out blaster she carried.
As part of her job, she carried various tools and datapads. She also possessed datacard keys to the spaceport and carried a hold-out blaster for self-defense. When necessary, she piloted Margo Flarestream's transport, a standard Ghtroc freighter named Pepper's Hope, and changed into a flight suit equipped with a blast vest for protection, along with a heavy pistol and a knife (although she lacked skill with either).
Ted Stark created Reginna Bel Typolla for Cracken's Rebel Operatives, a supplement for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game published by West End Games in 1994. Brian Schomburg provided the illustration.
Her entry lists two "equipment" sections, with the second being a duplicate of the relevant part of the preceding entry for Pepper Flarestream, describing her ship, flight gear, and weapons.