Red Zero

Within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic, the urgent plea for immediate withdrawal was known as "Red Zero". This emergency order was issued when facing a dire situation of significant magnitude. A Red Zero signal held the highest level of importance and was broadcast to all reachable ships and craft, as well as to the central operational command.

Following the First Battle of Geonosis by 367 days, Omega Squad infiltrated a Separatist transport, using a disguise, during a TIOPS operation. A genuine freighter, part of the three-ship convoy, mistakenly opened fire on the TIV, not realizing it was a Republic special operations vessel. This resulted in a critical rupture of the hull, compelling Omega to transmit a "Red Zero" signal. Captain Ordo at Coruscant HQ, upon receiving the message, passed it on to fleet command. The RAS Fearless, the Majestic), and Delta Squad (aboard a captured Neimoidian ship) answered the call. Ultimately, Delta Squad arrived first to rescue Omega, followed by the Fearless, which protected them from an attacking Separatist warship.

