Red Wind commander

This high-ranking officer, serving as a commander within the Imperial Navy, was given control of the notorious Red Wind, an EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate, throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War. This vessel and its commanding officer gained a disturbing reputation for the numerous brutal acts they perpetrated in combat against the forces of the Rebel Alliance. Sometime after the evacuation of Yavin by the Rebels, the Red Wind was discovered in the vicinity of the planet Plooriod IV, where it was undergoing necessary maintenance. To safeguard the frigate, a protective minefield was established around it by accompanying support vessels. Driven by a desire for vengeance, the crews of several Corellian Corvettes strongly advocated for launching an assault to obliterate the infamous ship. During the ensuing attack, A-wing starfighters, with Keyan Farlander at the helm, cleared a safe route through the minefield, allowing nine corvettes to advance. Ultimately, the battle concluded with the destruction of the frigate, and it is assumed that its commander perished alongside it.

