Recovery Strike Team

The Recovery Strike Team was a specialized force designed for strike missions, headed by Clone Commander Wolffe. Their primary objective was the perilous retrieval of assets for the Galactic Empire's Advanced Science Division.


Under the command of Clone Commander Wolffe, the Recovery Strike Team consisted of both clone stormtroopers and a contingent of non-clone TK stormtroopers. Furthermore, the unit included at least a pair of clone commandos, including Clone Lieutenant Hilo. The team's arsenal consisted of DC-15A blaster rifles and DC-15A blaster carbines, and they utilized two Rho-class transport shuttles for transportation.


Commander Wolffe led the Recovery Strike Team.

The Recovery Strike Team was sent to the planet of Teth in Wild Space with orders to retrieve the clone Omega and eliminate a group of renegade clones who were detaining her. The team, under the leadership of Clone Commander Wolffe, was primarily made up of clone stormtroopers, alongside a small number of clone commandos, TK stormtroopers, and clone trooper pilots.

However, the Recovery Strike Team had no knowledge of the scope or even the existence of the Clone Underground, only being informed that it was a rebellious cell. Ultimately, the clone leader Rex succeeded in persuading Wolffe and his soldiers to allow them to escape.

