Reconnaissance mission to Ord Mantell

The Ord Mantell reconnaissance operation involved Luke Skywalker and Han Solo during the time of the Galactic Civil War. The mission's objective was to disseminate misleading intelligence to the Empire, making them think the Rebel Alliance intended to establish a new base on Ord Mantell. The Alliance hoped this would divert the Empire's attention from their actual new base on Hoth.

To successfully execute this deception, the Rebel Alliance dispatched Solo and Skywalker to the planet. Their task was to pilot X-wings on a simulated reconnaissance flight over the jungle terrain.

The two Rebels deliberately made sure their starfighters were spotted by an Imperial cruiser. However, the arrival of a second cruiser jeopardized their escape. Skywalker devised an impromptu strategy to combine the shields of both starfighters, effectively doubling their strength and providing the X-wings with enough protection to withstand the Imperial turbolasers and make a safe jump to hyperspace.

After reaching Echo Base, Han Solo and Luke Skywalker commenced preparations for their subsequent mission: the unauthorized acquisition of a substantial sum of credits intended as an Imperial tribute. This tribute was being paid by a shipping enterprise that was previously under the ownership of the Organa family before Alderaan's destruction. The Rebel Alliance planned to utilize these credits to finance the procurement of resources for their new base.

The Rebel plan required Han Solo, Leia Organa, and the astromech droid R2-D2 to transmit a code from Ord Mantell. This code would reroute the cargo container, using Leia's palmprint to gain access to a concealed entry point within the shipping company's protected files. Simultaneously, Luke Skywalker and protocol droid C-3PO would secure the container, concealing it aboard the Millennium Falcon and replacing it with a counterfeit. Once the stolen container was safely aboard the Millennium Falcon, Solo's Wookiee co-pilot, Chewbacca, would activate the hyperdrive, allowing the Rebels to escape.

Prior to their arrival on Ord Mantell, the group encountered their contact, an insectoid Nalrithian named Phoedris Bos, who was tasked with assisting them in infiltrating the command center. Solo voiced his reservations regarding the insectoid agent, citing the species' "hive mind," which implied that memories were shared among "eggmates." However, Leia dismissed Han's concerns, asserting that Phoedros had demonstrated his allegiance to the Rebellion by eliminating an eggmate who was on the verge of betraying the Rebellion.

Upon reaching Ord Mantell, Han, Leia, Artoo, and Phoedros proceeded to the computer center. While Artoo attempted to access the computer, Solo inadvertently addressed Princess Leia as "Your Highness," revealing the group's true identities to the Nalrithian. Before Artoo could transmit the release signal, "Phoedros" brandished his weapon and compelled Han to discard his blaster. The individual identifying himself as "Phoedros" revealed himself to be Cypher Bos, a well known bounty hunter and Phoedris' eggmate, clarifying that Phoedros had perished in his stead. Cypher intended to claim the rewards offered by the Empire and Jabba the Hutt for the capture of Leia Organa and Han Solo, respectively.

Cypher forced R2-D2 to disconnect from the computer before it could complete the signal transmission, preventing the release of the cargo container's shackle. Subsequently, Cypher commanded Han to relinquish his gunbelt, but Han instead used the belt to dislodge Cypher's pistol from his grasp. Both men lunged for their weapons, but Solo managed to seize his blaster first and eliminate Cypher.

Due to the premature termination of the release signal, the computer's safety protocols prevented it from being resent and activated an alarm, summoning a detachment of stormtroopers. Upon discovering this, the group decided to return to their ship.

Back at the Millennium Falcon, Solo and Organa sent a communication to Luke Skywalker, who was still awaiting the container's arrival at the cargo bay when the alarm sounded and stormtroopers began to converge. Using his lightsaber, Skywalker severed the container's shackles and warned the crew to prepare for a "flying catch" before traffic control jammed their transmissions.

Han initiated takeoff, heading towards the loading dock. Traffic Control issued orders for them to land, but Princess Leia, employing a seductive tone, identified herself as Captain Valrond of the starship Victory Ring, conducting a test on her lifters. This confused the controller, allowing them to remain undisturbed long enough for Solo to maneuver into position. Chewbacca opened the ship's cargo bay, and Luke piloted the cargo carrier into the hold, barely stopping in time as the Millennium Falcon launched into space.

