
The rdava-bird represented a species of vibrantly colored avian that originated from the world of Garqi. These birds were diminutive, not exceeding the size of a Human's hand, and showcased plumage in shades of orange and red. Rdava-birds were a common sight within the Vlassy Nature Preserve, where tourists admired their beauty. A significant decline in the rdava-bird population occurred when a nerve toxin, transported by pollen, infiltrated the nature preserve due to a breach at an Imperial research facility. Furthermore, a rdava-bird played a crucial role in forcing down the starfighter piloted by Corran Horn, a former CorSec official who was in hiding on Garqi.

Biology and appearance

The rdava-bird belonged to an avian species. Their bodies were small and lightweight, measuring slightly less than the size of a Human's hand. The rdava-bird's plump body was topped with a small, rounded head featuring round, black eyes on either side and a short, pointed, yellow beak. A straight tail, nearly the same length as its body, extended from the bird. It possessed two legs and two wings, with a wingspan roughly equivalent to its body length, enabling it to fly. The rdava-bird's plumage was brilliantly colored, displaying red and orange hues. The wing and tail tips were darker, while the underbelly exhibited a lighter shade.


Rdava-birds typically congregated in small groups. Those inhabiting the Vlassy Nature Preserve displayed a lack of shyness towards visitors, often landing on tourists' hands or approaching the sail ships that navigated the preserve. Rdava-birds exhibited activity during both daytime and nighttime hours.


Rdava-birds evolved on Garqi, an agricultural world situated within the Cassander sector. They were especially prevalent in the Vlassy Nature Preserve, located 800 kilometers southwest of Pesktda, Garqi's capital city. The nature preserve, encompassing the Vlassy River, was unsuitable for farming due to its challenging terrain of rugged bluffs and canyons. Both native Garqian residents and tourists from other planets frequented the Vlassy Preserve to appreciate the brilliantly plumed birds.

Mara Jade with a rdava-bird on her finger.

Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, the Galactic Empire took control of Garqi and the rest of the Cassandran Worlds. Under Imperial rule, Chine Gabbard, a botanist, endeavored to transform native hafa vines into carriers for nerve toxins.

Some nerve-toxin-laden hafa pollen escaped from Gabbard's research station and drifted downwind into the nature preserve, resulting in the death of a large number of rdava-birds, as well as several biologists who attempted to investigate the birds' demise. A number of agents hired by the scientists managed to infiltrate Gabbard's facility and acquire the antidote before succumbing to the nerve agent themselves.

In 6 ABY, Corran Horn, a former Corellian Security Force operative who was maintaining a low profile on the planet after leaving CorSec, was piloting his X-wing starfighter when a rdava-bird was ingested by his starboard engine. The resulting damage to his starfighter forced the Corellian to land, and he subsequently stored his X-wing in a djorra-covered vehicle depot to perform repairs. Several years later, in 20 ABY, the Jedi Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade visited the Vlassy Nature Preserve shortly before their wedding. While surveying the preserve from a high ridge, several rdava-birds flew past them, and one perched on Jade's finger.

Behind the scenes

Michael A. Stackpole conceived the rdava-birds for his short story "Missed Chance," which was initially published in Star Wars Adventure Journal 7 in 1995. Subsequently, Robert Teranishi, a penciller, depicted several unidentified, colorful birds in the Vlassy Nature Preserve on Garqi in the comic Union 1, released on November 10, 1999. Jason Fry, when writing the Garqi entry in 2004's Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds, linked the rdava-birds to the nature preserve, thereby retroactively identifying the birds in Union as rdava-birds.

