An overhead shot of the Razorshark.
Razorshark was a small fighter manufactured by Wyndham Systems that belonged to and was flown by Egot Pai-4-Yem. This starship was generally kept inside its designated hangar, located at the rear of Egot's storage facility. It was once used by Egot as a means of escape when the Harridan planet's local law enforcement agencies conducted a raid on the warehouse. Soon after, he piloted the Razorshark to a small satellite of Harridan, where he went into hiding, awaiting the arrival of the group of Rebels who had inadvertently caused the police raid on his warehouse. Upon observing them departing from the Titan, Egot opened fire upon the rebel vessel. Although he possessed virtually no hope of actually defeating the rebel ship, he was consumed by a near-insane level of rage. During his attack, the Titan intervened to subdue him, ensnaring the Razorshark within its tractor beam, which allowed the rebel ship to make the jump to hyperspace.
- " Paid in Full " — Challenge 41 (Unlicensed)