"Raxlo Strikes Back" represents the second segment of the nineteenth installment within the Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures animated series. Its debut occurred on Disney+ on November 8, 2023.
On the frigid landscape of Andraven, Nubs enjoys a ride atop a Wellagrin within an enclosed area. His skills on the Wellagrin impress his Jedi companions, Kai Brightstar and Lys Solay, as well as their local acquaintances, Gumar and Jam. Gumar and Jam express their gratitude to the Jedi younglings for their repeated visits. Jam briefly loses his balance on the fence but lands safely in the snow. Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs share their excitement for the upcoming annual wellagrin hatching event scheduled for later in the day.
Gumar's enthusiasm is heightened by his selection as the caretaker of the Wellagrin eggs for the year. Jam mentions that Gumar has been diligent in ensuring their safety. Gumar elaborates that Wellagrin eggs require extremely cold conditions to facilitate hatching. Given their immobility within their snowy nesting location, Gumar is responsible for daily monitoring. While Jam observes the other Wellagrin, Gumar extends an invitation to the Jedi younglings to accompany him on a Wellagrin ride to the Wellagrin hatching grounds.
As they get closer to their destination, the Wellagrins begin to show signs of unease. Gumar and the Jedi observe that the ground temperature is rising. Gumar has a premonition that something is amiss, while Solay notices an accelerated rate of snowmelt as they approach the hatching grounds situated on the hill. Sensing the potential danger to the eggs, Gumar emphasizes the urgency of checking on them.
Upon reaching the nesting grounds, they discover that the eggs have been exposed to warmer temperatures. When Solay suggests relocating them, Gumar explains that such an action could disorient the adult Wellagrins. Gumar voices his concern that insufficient cold could impede the eggs' hatching. Nubs detects the sound of laser fire. The group then spots Raxlo's harvester employing its laser to melt the surrounding snow. Gumar questions Raxlo's motives. Brightstar admits their uncertainty but asserts the necessity of stopping him.
They locate Raxlo in a relaxed state near a heating device. Brightstar confronts Raxlo, who recognizes the Jedi younglings from past encounters. Raxlo also acknowledges their local ally, Gumar, and expresses frustration over the Jedi's interference with his business endeavors. After instructing RC-99 to deactivate the laser, Raxlo reveals his operation of harvesting Tenga rocks, luminescent rocks with energy-generating properties. Raxlo aims to capitalize on the extraction and sale of Tenga rocks, which are concealed beneath the snow's surface.
Gumar objects to Raxlo's extraction of Tenga rocks from a Wellagrin nesting area, while Brightstar points out the lack of proper authorization. Raxlo dismisses their concerns, asserting that the area contains the highest concentration of Tenga rocks. Mindful of his past troubles with the Jedi younglings, Raxlo has deployed several orb-shaped security droids armed with lasers. Raxlo orders the droids to eliminate the Jedi and Gumar.
The Jedi Initiates retaliate with their lightsabers but find themselves encircled by the hovering droids. Under Raxlo's command, RC-99 and the security droids force the Jedi and Gumar to the edge of a rocky precipice. RC-99 departs, leaving the floating droids to guard their captives. Following a brief discussion, Gumar proposes initiating an avalanche to bury the droids and disable them. Executing their strategy, the Jedi younglings utilize the Force to trigger a snow collapse above the rock face, engulfing the security droids and causing them to shut down.
Subsequently, Solay impairs RC-99's photoreceptors with snow, while Brightstar deactivates him. Solay expresses gratitude to Gumar for the plan. Returning to Raxlo's harvester, they gain entry through the rear hatch. With Raxlo preoccupied in the cockpit, Brightstar attempts to shut off the laser cutter but inadvertently activates the music, alerting Raxlo. Upon being discovered, Gumar informs Raxlo that the laser is endangering Wellagrin eggs and implores him to turn it off.
Raxlo remains defiant, but Nubs warns in Poobian that they will begin pressing buttons inside the harvester. Solay and Brightstar provide translation. Raxlo persists in his defiance, prompting them to start manipulating buttons, causing the harvester to move unpredictably. They also rotate Raxlo's swivel chair. Raxlo protests, emphasizing the harvester's delicate nature. Gumar then presses the large red button, causing the harvester's laser to strike the hilltop, triggering an avalanche that carries them downhill.
The snow also blankets the Wellagrin hatching grounds, leading to the eggs' hatching. Several wellagrin hatchlings emerge from the snow. One of them allows Nubs to embrace it. Gumar thanks the Jedi for rescuing the baby Wellagrins. Raxlo complains about the Jedi thwarting his plans, citing his need for income. Brightstar sits beside him and explains that he cannot simply harvest wherever he pleases. Gumar adds that had he asked, he would have informed him that the area belongs to the Wellagrins.
He extends an offer to show him alternative locations suitable for his harvester. This uplifts Raxlo, who also cuddles a baby Wellagrin. Raxlo seeks Gumar's assistance in finding another site for Tenga rock harvesting. Jam and other members of his species arrive just as the Wellagrin eggs are hatching. One of the Wellagrins develops an affinity for Raxlo. Raxlo expresses satisfaction with the new Tenga mining location. Gumar voices his happiness that they both saved the Wellagrins and discovered a new harvesting spot for Gumar. Raxlo informs the Jedi and Gumar about his new shovel, designed to move snow rather than melt it. The baby Wellagrins are enjoying it. Raxlo offers to demonstrate the additional capabilities of his modified harvester to his new companions.