The comic story "Rather Darkness Visible" appeared within Star Wars Tales 19 and was later compiled in Star Wars Tales Volume 5. The title of the comic was taken from the epic poem Paradise Lost.
On the world of Katanos VII, the Jedi Knight named Lunis, along with his Padawan, Obs Kaj, are investigating reports indicating illegal cloning activities being conducted by the planet's miners. Obs Kaj, having become disenchanted with the Republic's current state, is secretly intending to abandon the Jedi Order after this particular mission concludes.
Upon their arrival, however, they realize they have been lured into a trap. The miners explain that, due to the declining profits from their cortosis mines, they sought assistance from the Galactic Senate, only to be rejected. Consequently, they initiated cloning operations to generate the necessary revenue. These cloning efforts proved unsuccessful, leading them to seek out the Confederacy of Independent Systems after discovering the bounties placed on Jedi.
As the miners launch their attack on the Jedi, Obs Kaj experiences a disconnection from the Force in relation to her Master, a consequence of her own emotional withdrawal. Eventually, Lunis is defeated, and Kaj is forced to flee, escaping in a short-range shuttlepod. As she departs the planet's atmosphere, sending out a distress signal, a ship establishes communication with her. As the ship draws closer, she identifies it as belonging to Count Dooku, who immediately opens fire, destroying her shuttle.
Later, when Dooku communicates with the miners, he informs them that he will only compensate them for Lunis's death, offering only half of their initial expectation, an amount insufficient to sustain the mines' operations.