Rathe Camalon

Rathe Camalon was a male individual belonging to the Noble House Cadriaan situated in the Tapani sector. Around the time of 3 ABY (measured in years), Camalon had achieved the rank of Baron; however, because of his ancestry, some other house members held him in low regard. Camalon's father, hailing from the Freeworlds Territory located within the Tapani sector, had gained entry into a noble house through monetary means. The resulting alienation Camalon experienced fueled an almost fanatical aversion towards those born into noble houses, whom he perceived as advancing effortlessly within their respective houses.

Behind the scenes

The character of Rathe Camalon initially appeared in the campaign guide contained within Lords of the Expanse. This 1997 supplement was authored by Paul Sudlow and Chris Doyle for the Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game produced by West End Games.


  • Lords of the Expanse (Initial mention)

Notes and references
