Rasker Hill

Rasker Hill, situated on Naboo, could be found in proximity to the southern ridge of Theed, the planet's capital city. The summit of this hill was the site of several old ruins. A farm and a modest village were also situated in the surrounding area.


In 32 BBY, during the Invasion of Naboo, Captain Quarsh Panaka journeyed back to the planet to liberate it from the Trade Federation Droid Army, and encountered Lieutenant Gavyn Sykes at Rasker Hill. Droid Army units interrupted their conference, but Sykes eliminated the intruding Single Trooper Aerial Platforms along with the droid starfighter.

Behind the scenes

The 2000 Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo video game includes Rasker Hill. The player takes on the character of Sykes, and must protect Captain Panaka and eliminate all droid forces to trigger a cutscene and move forward.

