Ral Shawgrim

Ral Shawgrim was a Rebel technician who betrayed his cause. He was a wanted man by the New Republic for acts of treason, espionage, and the illegal acquisition of materials belonging to both the Alliance and the New Republic. A reward of 35,000 credits was placed on Shawgrim's capture by the New Republic, and the Imperial Remnant also sought him out.


Shawgrim's birth occurred aboard the starship named Panorama, in proximity to the Tion Hegemony. His family met a tragic end when they were killed by Imperial forces. Motivated by this devastating loss, he contacted a Rebel recruiter on Zelso and enlisted in the Rebellion, the same organization his parents had previously been associated with.

Hero of the Rebellion

Shawgrim demonstrated exceptional skill as a starship technician, swiftly attaining the rank of lieutenant. He dedicated two years of service on Zelso and required hospitalization on two separate occasions during the Jendar Campaign on Jendar. He received the Usor Cluster in recognition of his bravery, solidifying his status as a celebrated figure within the Rebellion.

Shortly after the Jendar Campaign concluded, he was reassigned to the Mon Calamari Orbital Shipyards located at Mon Calamari, where he took on the role of a starfighter repair coordinator.


During his time at the Calamari Shipyards, Shawgrim secretly made copies of the design schematics for the Incom T-65B X-wing starfighter. With almost complete blueprints of the starfighter in his possession, he attempted to flee Mon Calamari and establish contact with Sienar Fleet Systems, who were aligned with the Empire, on Lianna to deliver the plans, an act that would have severely harmed the Rebellion.

Luckily for the Rebels, an astromech droid, identified as R2-X9, alerted security when it observed Shawgrim rapidly departing from Docking Facility 7K in an unauthorized space shuttle. A team of Rebel operatives, under the leadership of Essex Yerac, successfully recovered the plans, but Shawgrim managed to escape.

On the run

Both the Alliance and, subsequently, the New Republic, put a bounty on Shawgrim's head. Because he failed to deliver the plans, Moff [Brinkan] of the Empire, and later the Imperial Remnant, also offered a reward for his capture. He was pursued by at least three bounty hunters for nearly four years.

To disguise himself, Shawgrim typically wore ordinary clothes, although he still had his old Rebel tech suit, and he often wore hats to hide the color of his hair.

