
The Rakririans were a race of sentient arthropods originally from the planet known as Rakrir. These sentients possessed a unique physical form, sporting five pairs of limbs along with eyes mounted on stalks. They seldom ventured beyond their homeworld, as they deemed the broader galaxy too coarse for their refined sensibilities. However, a few Rakririans defied this trend, including the athlete Mogoyu, the illicit goods fencer Endrigorn, and the proprietor of an exotic pet emporium, Sabodor.

Biology and appearance

Rakririans were an insectoid, arthropod species characterized by segmented, tubular bodies. Mature adults had lengths ranging from 1.8 to 3.6 meters, featuring five pairs of limbs distributed along their central body section. While they commonly maintained an upright posture using the rear two limb sets, they could also utilize all five sets for rapid locomotion. A pair of perpetually mobile eyestalks sat atop their bodies. They possessed a small mouth and a prominent olfactory center. A uniquely constructed vocal organ was situated in the center of their midsection. Rakririans exhibited three distinct sexes: males, females, and facilitator drones.

Society and culture

The Rakririan homeworld was the planet Rakrir—also sometimes referred to as Ballikite—situated within the Kwymar sector of the Outer Rim Territories. The Rakririans evolved into highly cultured and refined beings, though some perceived them as overly fastidious and detail-oriented. Consequently, few ever left their homeworld, finding the galaxy lacking in the sophistication they desired. Those who did venture out tended to be either immensely wealthy or employed in service roles for the affluent. Rakririans typically did not wear clothing, although some adorned themselves with bracelets as personal decoration.

Those outside of Rakririan society found it challenging to interpret their body language, although certain movements did communicate their emotional state. For example, the gradual opening and closing of their mandibles could signify either receptiveness or, conversely, a readiness to defend themselves. While they were capable of speaking Galactic Basic Standard, they often spoke with a pronounced buzzing accent that some found difficult to comprehend.

Rakririans in the galaxy

Sabodor, a Rakririan pet-shop owner.

Despite the rarity of Rakririans venturing beyond their home planet, some notable exceptions existed. Mogoyu, a celebrated Rakririan athlete, secured second place—determined by a holocamera finish—in the "decaped-plus" division of the Mobquet Presents: Fastest Land Beings competition held on Teyr in 22 BBY. Several years later, Endrigorn, a Rakririan facilitator drone, functioned as a fence within the lower levels of Coruscant, specializing in stolen light sculptures, holo-art, and valuable gems. It acquired a hypergem from Kaird, a Black Sun Vigo, who intended for Endrigorn to pass it along to his rival, Xizor.

Another well-known Rakririan who left his homeworld was Sabodor, who established Sabodor's, an exotic pet emporium on Etti IV. As one of the many pet stores that catered to the desires of Etti's wealthy residents, Sabodor's was considered the finest. There, he furnished the affluent with extraordinary pets to exhibit their wealth. Sabodor once sold a dinko to Han Solo, who presented it to Ploovo Two-For-One as a "gift."

A common Rakririan export to the galaxy was their Burnout Sauce. Exceptionally spicy, most sentients used it sparingly to avoid potential adverse effects, such as burns to the mouth and throat. The Jedi Knight Plo Koon was known to consume Burnout Sauce.

Behind the scenes

Brian Daley conceived of the Rakririans for his novel, Han Solo at Stars' End, which was published in April of 1979. They were subsequently featured in the Han Solo and the Corporate Sector Sourcebook. While both of these sources identified Rakrir as the Rakririan homeworld, Alien Encounters later asserted that it was Ballikite. Rakririans have since made appearances in HoloNet News Vol. 531 52 and Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight.

