Following the Galactic Empire's siege of the planet Zygerria, Admiral Wullf Yularen of the Empire, with the assistance of Captain Bannidge Holt, launched a series of raids against the planet Tervissis in 18 BBY. Yularen's fleet, which included Invincible-class Dreadnaught Heavy Cruisers alongside Venator-class Star Destroyers, acted as the staging area for these attacks. These raids were a component of the Listehol Campaign, an Imperial effort to eliminate Tervig slavers, Zygerrian slavers, and Sikurdian pirates from the hyperlanes known as the Listehol Run and the Shaltin Tunnels. However, Tervissis proved resistant, and the Imperial raids were unsuccessful. The failure of these Imperial raids on Tervissis resulted in the conclusion of the Listehol Campaign, and subsequently an Imperial invasion of Tervissis occurred in 13 BBY.
This conflict was initially referenced within The Essential Guide to Warfare, a comprehensive guide focused on conflicts within the galaxy, authored by Jason Fry and Paul R. Urquhart, and published in 2012.