Raid on the Jedi Temple (Yinchorri Uprising)

In the year 33 BBY, the Yinchorri, under the secret manipulation of Darth Sidious, launched an assault upon the Jedi Temple situated on Coruscant.


After a Jedi task force was sent to the Yinchorri system to look into claims of Yinchorri hostility, confusing reports reached the Jedi Council during a briefing, detailing their encounter with Yinchorri forces. Additionally, Jedi Master Yoda perceived an impending threat through the Force.

The battle

Darth Maul overlooking the raid.

The Yinchorri positioned themselves for an assault outside the Jedi Temple. Darth Maul, apprentice to Darth Sidious, observed these events from a nearby skyscraper. He then informed his master that the Yinchorri had initiated their attack.

Simultaneously, Jude Rozess, a Jedi on guard duty outside the Temple, found herself under attack by a Yinchorri equipped with a flutter-pack. Despite her efforts, her lightsaber was rendered useless by his strong cortosis shield. After incapacitating her, he ordered his fellow soldiers to attack before the Jedi could react, while he attempted to murder Jude. He tried to strangle her with his powerful hands. However, Jude managed to kill him by reactivating her lightsaber.

Inside the Temple, the Yinchorri force discovered that the sleeping quarters were devoid of occupants. The troops then entered a chamber where they were confronted by a group of armed Jedi, including Yoda. Ultimately, almost all of the Yinchorri were killed, with only two Jedi losing their lives: Jude Rozess and Tieren Nie-Tan.

Yoda smashing a Yinchorri against the wall.

Yoda questioned the last surviving Yinchorri, seeking the location of their high command. The soldier responded to the Jedi Master by claiming ignorance, stating he was merely a common soldier. Yoda then engaged in a conversation with Soon Bayts, a Jedi Knight who brought news from Adi Gallia and Eeth Koth that their high command was not located on Yitheeth and that they were proceeding to Yibikkoror to assist Plo Koon and Micah Giiett. Meanwhile, on Yinchorr, Mace Windu's team remained safe and did not engage in combat with the Yinchorri at that time.

These distractions allowed the Yinchorri in the temple the opportunity to seize his weapon and attempt to fire upon the Jedi. Yoda hurled him against a wall, presumably causing his death. The Jedi then reached the conclusion that the Yinchorri were misled, rather than inherently violent, and that the attack might have been orchestrated by an external entity, rather than being solely the Yinchorri's doing.

