Raid at Coronet

The Raid of Coronet City occurred a fortnight following the Battle of Endor.

Historical Context

Imperial military personnel, under the authority of General Weir, who were based in the Corellian system, learned of the demise of Emperor Palpatine at Endor. Weir made the determination to launch an assault on the primary population center of Corellia as a demonstration to its inhabitants that the Empire remained the dominant power. As fate would have it, Rogue Squadron, at that time under the leadership of Commander Luke Skywalker, were present in Coronet City on a reconnaissance assignment. The Imperial invasion caught the city completely off guard.

The Conflict

The initial assault involved a pair of Storm commandos utilizing missile launchers who obliterated a cantina where the Rogues were dining, nearly resulting in the deaths of Luke and Wedge Antilles. Skywalker ignited his lightsaber and swiftly eliminated the two commandos. Immediately after Luke neutralized the first wave of commandos, the second Imperial assault commenced. This subsequent wave was significantly larger, including a minimum of three AT-STs and numerous scout and stormtroopers. Weir was positioned behind his combatants, providing guidance on where to direct their attacks.

Weir during the battle.

Numerous civilians perished as a consequence of the Imperial forces' city-wide assault. Rogue Squadron sought refuge within the remnants of the destroyed cantina, actively resisting the Imperial advance. During the confrontation, Ten Numb located one of the missile launchers that the Storm Commandos had discarded earlier and used it to target an advancing AT-ST, resulting in the deaths of its crew and the vehicle's subsequent collapse. Luke Skywalker intervened, employing the Force to halt the Imperial war machine before it could crush a group of non-combatants. Tycho Celchu and Ten successfully evacuated the civilians from the path of danger, just as Luke's control over the AT-ST faltered.

At the rear of the Imperial formation, one of Weir's subordinates identified the Rebels and their Jedi leader, relaying this information to the General. Weir deduced that the Rebel wielding the lightsaber had to be Skywalker, and he commanded the remaining Imperial forces to eliminate the Jedi and his allies. The Imperials launched a full-scale assault on the Rebel line, forcing Rogue Squadron into retreat. Wedge observed the officer leading the charge and subdued him, restraining him on the ground with a blaster pointed at his head.

Luke Skywalker fighting Storm commandos.

Weir, realizing that his forces had sustained considerable losses, concluded that they had sufficiently demonstrated the Empire's continued authority. Weir and his troops initiated a withdrawal, leaving a significant portion of Coronet in a state of devastation. Ten witnessed the Imperial retreat and commandeered a speeder bike from a deceased scout trooper, pursuing them. Concurrently, Wedge and Luke interrogated the captured officer to ascertain the motives behind the Imperial assault on Coronet. Ten trailed Weir back to the Imperial landing zone, situated approximately a kilometer to the west of the city. As he observed the Imperials preparing for departure, Weir ambushed him, rendering him unconscious with the stock of his blaster rifle.

Immediate Repercussions

While this was unfolding, Luke, Wes Janson, and Wedge were tracking Ten's homing beacon to the landing site, but their arrival was delayed. The Imperials departed with their newly acquired prisoner, Ten. Luke instructed the Rogues to board their starfighters and pursue Weir back to his base of operations. Rogue Squadron would subsequently follow the Imperials to the planet Tralus, the location of Weir's hideout.

