
Quoreal was among the final Supreme Overlords belonging to the Yuuzhan Vong species. As a conservative leader, his hesitation to launch an invasion of the galaxy ultimately resulted in his overthrow and subsequent death. Quoreal's reign occurred during the final century of the Yuuzhan Vong fleet's extensive voyage through the Intergalactic Void towards a new galaxy. Many Yuuzhan Vong regarded him as a traditional and cautious leader. Domain Jamaane, a potent faction, frequently questioned his capacity to maintain unity within the species. Shimrra, the champion of Domain Jamaane, was designated as a potential successor to the position of Supreme Overlord. While Quoreal's authority wasn't directly challenged by the Jamaane initially, the situation shifted in 29 BBY. An advance team returned to the fleet, reporting the discovery of a living planet called Zonama Sekot. Quoreal's priests advised against proceeding with the invasion, foretelling that the world would lead to the Yuuzhan Vong's downfall. Consequently, Quoreal announced the fleet would abandon its planned assault and seek a new home instead.

Quoreal's announcement was met with animosity from a significant portion of Yuuzhan Vong society. Shimrra, in collaboration with a group of high-ranking warriors, initiated a swift and decisive coup against Quoreal and his supporters. The Supreme Overlord's warriors were eliminated, and his priests, advisors, and intendants were purged. Quoreal was removed from power and personally executed by Shimrra, who then assumed the role of Supreme Overlord and declared that the invasion of the galaxy would proceed as originally intended. Over fifty years after Quoreal's demise, Shimrra commenced the invasion, triggering the Yuuzhan Vong War. It wasn't until the war's final years that the prudence of Quoreal and his priests was validated. Zonama Sekot, whose existence Shimrra had dismissed as a fabrication, re-emerged from the Unknown Regions and offered assistance to the galaxy's defenders.


Supreme Overlord

Quoreal was a member of the Yuuzhan Vong species, a race of humanoids who had fled the war-ravaged remains of their own galaxy in search of a new home, venturing into the Intergalactic Void to seek their destiny. For countless years, the Yuuzhan Vong traversed the void within a massive fleet of worldships. Millennia before Quoreal's birth, bioengineered slivilith creatures had scouted a galaxy for the Yuuzhan Vong, towards which the worldship convoy began a lengthy journey. By the time Quoreal ascended to the position of Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong, during the final century of their approach to the galaxy, the worldships were rapidly deteriorating. Many Yuuzhan Vong feared they would die in the void. The shaper caste was unable to halt the fleet's decline, and the warriors vied for Quoreal's favor, often engaging in brutal internal conflicts.

As Supreme Overlord, Quoreal served as the intermediary with the Yuuzhan Vong gods, and in theory, possessed absolute authority over the species. However, numerous Yuuzhan Vong commanders—members of the warrior caste responsible for conquering new galaxies—believed that Quoreal lacked genuine faith in the values of sacrifice and war, and that he was more closely aligned with the priest caste. Domain Jamaane, a powerful Yuuzhan Vong faction, openly criticized Quoreal. Members of Domain Jamaane accused the Supreme Overlord of being overly cautious, conservative, and too weak to maintain Yuuzhan Vong unity during the arduous journey through the void. While few anticipated Domain Jamaane openly challenging Quoreal, a group of high-ranking officers sided with Shimrra of Domain Jamaane, a contender for the next Supreme Overlord.

The situation escalated around 32 BBY. Quoreal dispatched Supreme Commander Zho Krazhmir on a mission to the galaxy to locate habitable worlds for the Yuuzhan Vong, whose confinement aboard the failing worldships had created an unstable political environment. Krazhmir received a task force of warships and set out to scout the galaxy. In a sector of the Tingel Arm known as the Gardaji Rift, Krazhmir's forces stumbled upon Zonama Sekot, a lush planet. For two years, Krazhmir's forces observed and studied Zonama Sekot, interacting with its inhabitants. After attempting to negotiate for control of the planet, Krazhmir launched a biological attack against the world, followed by a conventional attack in 30 BBY—both of which failed due to the planet's unexpected capabilities, which repelled Krazhmir's assault with its own biotechnology. Amidst the stalemate, Vergere, a mysterious being, approached Krazhmir's forces, offering her advice and knowledge in exchange for a cessation of hostilities.

More significantly for Krazhmir, Vergere revealed that Zonama Sekot was a living world with its own sentience—similar to Yuuzhan'tar, the ancestral living homeworld of the Yuuzhan Vong. Krazhmir eagerly returned to Quoreal to deliver his news, arriving back at the worldship convoy in 29 BBY. However, ancient Yuuzhan Vong texts contained a prophecy, recently discovered by Quoreal's priests, that a world existed that was anathema to the Yuuzhan Vong. It was also considered taboo to invade a galaxy containing a living world. Furthermore, Quoreal's priests declared the living planet a bad omen. Hesitant to invade such a galaxy, Quoreal decided to cancel the impending invasion. Rumors of the discovery and Quoreal's change of heart began to spread among the Yuuzhan Vong ranks.

Quoreal then publicly announced to the species that the galaxy would not be their new home and that the journey through the void would continue. He ordered the worldship convoy to alter its course and search for a new galaxy. This news quickly made the reigning Supreme Overlord unpopular, turning him into an object of hatred and suspicion. Powerful warrior domains like the Choka believed that Quoreal's priests were simply trying to deny the warrior caste the right to invade the galaxy in order to maintain their political dominance. Others believed that the Yuuzhan Vong had nothing left in the void and that invading the galaxy was essential for the species' survival. This created the opportunity Shimrra and Domain Jamaane needed. In a swift move, Shimrra's warriors launched a coup, executing all warriors loyal to Quoreal. The Supreme Overlord was removed from his throne, and killed personally by Shimrra, his enraged rival, rather than in ritual combat.


The killings didn't end with Quoreal and his warriors. Shimrra, supported by his loyal followers and with the tacit approval of powerful factions like Domain Shai and the Praetorite Vong—the Yuuzhan Vong advance force—ordered the extermination of most shapers, advisors, and intendants who had supported Quoreal's decision. The late Supreme Overlord's priests, despite their fervent prophecies about Zonama Sekot being a bad omen, were also executed. Claiming that the gods had personally informed him that the galaxy was a divine gift, as long as they converted all its inhabitants to the True Way of the Yuuzhan Vong, Shimrra rallied support. Quoreal's usurper oversaw the continued advance on the galaxy with a triumphant warrior caste at his side and with loyal priests proclaiming his divine judgment. Few who had witnessed Shimrra's coup dared to challenge the new Supreme Overlord.

Quoreal's influence and reservations didn't disappear with his death. Some elite Yuuzhan Vong still believed that Shimrra had dishonorably murdered Quoreal instead of challenging him in battle. The former Supreme Overlord's surviving followers, along with other dissidents, formed a hidden network known as the Quorealists. The Quorealists remained loyal to the dead Supreme Overlord, believing that Quoreal's reluctance had been justified. However, the group's membership and power gradually declined. Records of the coup and the events leading up to it were distorted and manipulated in the Qang Qahsa—the Yuuzhan Vong's historical records—and Quoreal was barely remembered by the time the invasion was launched over fifty years later. All mention of Zonama Sekot was also removed from the Qang qahsa, and the living world's existence was flatly denied. Rumors of Zonama Sekot and its mysterious power became myths and legends, among both the Yuuzhan Vong and the galaxy's inhabitants.

In 25 ABY, after decades of preliminary incursions, scouting missions, and the placement of undercover agents from its holdings on the edge of the galaxy, the Yuuzhan Vong invasion began. It soon became clear that the Praetorite Vong, who hadn't supported Quoreal during the coup, had only served Shimrra for their own purposes. A failed attempt to usurp the invasion's leadership and direct it themselves led to the eradication of the Praetorite Vong. Aside from the advance force's mistakes, the invasion was a success. Within three years, Shimrra ruled over the galactic capital, Coruscant. Quoreal's reluctance, for those who remembered it, seemed misguided. The invasion's success and the lack of evidence for Zonama Sekot's existence outside of rumors seemingly vindicated Shimrra's decision.

Shimrra, who usurped and killed Quoreal, was in turn dispatched by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker almost six decades later.

This changed in 28 ABY, when Commander Ekh'm Val returned from a long scouting mission in the Unknown Regions. Val excitedly reported to Shimrra, just as Krazhmir had reported to Quoreal almost six decades earlier, that he had discovered Zonama Sekot in the Unknown Regions. Disturbed by the truth—and knowing that if his enemies learned of it, they would use the living world's existence to condemn the divine vision he had created to justify the coup—Shimrra had Ekh'm Val and his crew executed. One year later, Zonama Sekot appeared over Coruscant, causing mass panic and chaos and encouraging the Quorealists to reveal information about Shimrra and how he had risen to power.

During the battle that followed Zonama Sekot's arrival, Shimrra was finally forced to address the hostile murmurs and dissent of his people and admit that he had indeed deceived the Yuuzhan Vong about Zonama Sekot. Instead of acknowledging that Quoreal and his priests had been right, which would undermine the legitimacy of his usurpation, Shimrra instead tried to portray Zonama Sekot as a test from the gods, urging his warriors forward on one last crusade. However, the Supreme Overlord was killed during the battle. Prior to his death, and even before Zonama Sekot's appearance over Coruscant, he had lost popularity like Quoreal, becoming a figure despised by many Yuuzhan Vong as a false leader. The Yuuzhan Vong made peace with the galaxy's inhabitants, settling on Zonama Sekot, which was revealed to be a seed of the original Yuuzhan Vong homeworld.

Personality and traits

Quoreal was perceived as a traditional, conservative Yuuzhan Vong leader by some warriors, who felt that he lacked a deep belief in the ways of conflict and martial honor. Caution and adherence to his priests' counsel indeed led Quoreal to abandon an invasion that had been planned for centuries, if not millennia, which proved to be a disastrous decision. Warriors who had dedicated their lives to preparing for the coming conflict resented Quoreal's lack of commitment and sided with Shimrra against him. Many others had no loyalty to their leader and allowed the coup to happen. The priests, suspected by some of manipulating Quoreal's fears of the warrior caste for their own benefit, held great influence over the Supreme Overlord.

Described by Shimrra as lenient, Quoreal did not attribute his actions to divine providence, unlike his usurper. Instead, he made a bold decision to try to preserve the Yuuzhan Vong rather than lead the invasion of a galaxy prophesied to be the species' downfall. On the other hand, unification was essential for the species' survival, and the long journey through the void had pushed the Yuuzhan Vong to their breaking point. Quoreal's reign was remembered by some Yuuzhan Vong as a time of backstabbing and court intrigue, and he became an object of suspicion and loathing in his final days. Despite this shaky reputation, Quoreal inspired decades of loyalty from a secretive faction that risked death to honor his decision.

Behind the scenes

Quoreal, an unseen character whose story and identity were only revealed in The New Jedi Order: The Final Prophecy—the penultimate book in The New Jedi Order series—is an enigmatic figure in Yuuzhan Vong history. His life is mentioned in several sections of The Final Prophecy and the series' final novel, The New Jedi Order: The Unifying Force. Quoreal was referenced in The New Essential Chronology, which gave the year 29 BBY for his death, and received an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, published in 2008.

In The New Jedi Order Sourcebook, published in 2002, some material resembling the backstory of Zonama Sekot's discovery is included in the first chapter, although only one Supreme Overlord is mentioned. Instead of a coup, the guide claims that the Yuuzhan Vong's faith in the invasion began to wane, and only the discovery of a planet "just like the one described in the ancient Yuuzhan Vong legends" allowed the Supreme Overlord to proclaim that a promised land had been found and regain control over his discontented priests and followers. Therefore, while some of this unnamed Supreme Overlord's actions relate to Quoreal, others pertain to Shimrra.

