
Quantanagor, a Quarren of the male persuasion, held the position of governor for the planet known as Taypho.


After the Empire determined Taypho held little strategic value, Quantanagor was appointed to govern the minor settlement. He managed its affairs from the planet's sole Imperial station.

During the Great Run, an annual Taypho competition, Quantanagor's rule came to an end. While the Quarren governor and some of his soldiers were participating, a rival team composed of rebel Taïs and Alliance operatives launched an assault. Because the race frequently served as a venue for resolving local disputes, the attack garnered little attention, and Yele, the local rebellion's leader, declared the establishment of a new administration.

Personality and traits

A cunning and scheming governor, Quantanagor exploited every available resource on the planet. He readily promoted the exploitation of the Taïs.

