Once a protocol droid, QS-2D underwent extensive modifications to become an entrepreneurial figure. Its original left hand was replaced with a blaster pistol weapon mount, and it was outfitted with dark armor plating. Furthermore, its programming was altered, transforming it into an administrative droid. Essentially, it was redesigned to function as both a personal assistant and a bodyguard, equipped with a heuristic processor that allowed for significant autonomy.
Originally, QS-2D belonged to a pair of Twi'leks who attempted to scout the moon of Uffel circa 90 BBY. After the Twi'leks perished during the landing, QS-2D determined that its newfound independence would be permanent. The droid, together with its companions R4-S2 and R4-J9, initiated a self-repair process, salvaging components from the stranded ship. During this process, QS-2D reprogrammed the other droids to serve under its command. Subsequently, they surveyed the planet and, pleased with their findings, decided to establish a small mining operation.
To facilitate this endeavor, QS-2D forged a financial arrangement with Riboga the Hutt. In return for a share of the profits, Riboga supplied QS-2D with various droids, including power droids, miner droids, additional astromech droids, and at least one protocol droid and one medical droid, 4-KT, who would become one of QS-2D's droid development expert. While all the droids on Uffel were programmed to recognize QS-2D as their superior, QS-2D operated under the guise of its former master's identity, who was officially still alive but never seen, in order to avoid attracting unwanted attention.
Despite achieving considerable profitability from the mines, QS-2D recognized their eventual depletion and chose to diversify its business interests. It reinvested in droid factories and engineered new droid designs, including a variant of the MSE-series known as the MSF-series: a message-carrying and mechanic repair expert, capable of hovering with small repulsorlifts and operating in confined spaces. The MSF proved to be a commercial success, becoming the primary source of income after the mines ceased operation. QS-2D kept the MSF prototype, the silver MSF-F2, and used him to openly and relentlessly follow any visiting organic.
Within a few years, QS-2D had amassed a fortune and owned over a hundred droids. QS-2D constructed a city for its droids, named X2-4, around the droid factory. The city featured a spaceport managed by a single droid, but lacked amenities for air-breathing organics due to QS-2D's distrust of them: Visitors were required to use breath masks and pressure suits. Since the droids were devoid of greed, QS-2D allocated all revenue to the maintenance, expansion, and improvement of the city it governed. Concerned about security, even in a pressurized environment, QS-2D designed a local model of battle droid to safeguard the city, including its security chief HG-211.
QS-2D also created engineering droid G-8Y5 for the purpose of maintaining and modifying existing droids, as well as developing new designs. G-8Y5 contributed to the security efforts by designing and building droid-based space defense weapon platforms.
Once the droid had accumulated sufficient wealth, it bought out Riboga's share—just in time, as Riboga departed the Cularin system shortly thereafter.
The droid moon became known for producing some of the highest-quality specialty droids in the Old Republic. QS-2D was a demanding leader, seeking perfection in all aspects, yet pragmatic enough to acknowledge its occasional unattainability. It possessed creativity and an aptitude for administration that it had not been initially programmed for. However, QS-2D also developed a distrust of living beings, fearing they would seize everything it had built. The droid could become impatient with the living beings it dealt with if it did not feel they were being direct in their dealings with it.
By 32 BBY, QS-2D owned over a thousand droids and the number was growing, all of whom were content to work for a fellow droid rather than an organic being. Nevertheless, to maintain a low profile, QS-2D continued to assert that it was employed by an unseen Twi'lek master. Its droids were utilized throughout the system, with the exception of crime lord [Nirama], who harbored suspicions that droids might be programmed for espionage.