
Puullo was a male Hutt from Legends continuity who operated as a criminal. He held the position of lieutenant within Shettora's criminal faction, another Hutt, which was based on the planet Brentaal IV. He had effective dominion over Brentaal IV's black market and conducted his business fairly. In 0 ABY, Puullo's faction entered into an arrangement with the crew of the Far Orbit, a privateer frigate. This agreement stipulated that the faction would receive a cut of the Far Orbit's captured profits in return for a shadowport to use as a base of operations, along with other illicit services and goods.


Puullo, a male Hutt within Legends, was a criminal lieutenant serving under the Hutt Shettora in their criminal faction. By 0 ABY, Puullo was a key figure in the organization, virtually controlling the black market on Brentaal IV, the planet where Shettora's faction was situated, due to his business acumen. He also maintained connections with various other criminal groups in the Core World regions. Puullo was a popular figure in the underworld, known for his fair dealings. During his criminal career, some who attempted to exploit him vanished without a trace. When traveling, Puullo was protected by criminals indebted to him. He also specialized in acquiring high-quality starships.

In 0 ABY, Captain Dhas Fenoep Vedij of the Alliance to Restore the Republic-aligned privateer EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Far Orbit made contact with the Hutts on Brentaal IV. Vedij negotiated with the Hutts, and they reached an accord: in exchange for 30 percent of the goods and money seized by the Far Orbit (excluding military equipment), the Hutts would provide a concealed spaceport, referred to as a shadowport, as well as access to illegal weaponry and protection from bounty hunters pursuing the frigate's crew.

Personality and traits

Unlike most Hutts, Puullo was generally well-regarded within the criminal community. He was known for his soft-spoken demeanor and fair, even-handed negotiations, although he could be inflexible. Despite his pleasant nature, Puullo was patient and avoided violence whenever possible. However, those who mistook his kindness for weakness and tried to take advantage of him often disappeared. Puullo's shrewdness and business skills allowed him to effectively dominate the black market on Brentaal IV. He also insisted on dealing only in high-quality merchandise, refusing to handle defective goods.

He stood behind his products, and if a sold item malfunctioned, Puullo would occasionally issue a refund. Puullo possessed a range of skills useful in the underworld, from forgery to operating repulsorlift vehicles. He also exhibited some resistance to mind tricks used by those with abilities in the Force.


Puullo carried a vest with numerous pockets and possessed a hidden hold-out blaster, an Imperial transit pass, an encrypted datapad, and a comlink.

Behind the scenes

Puullo was initially mentioned in 1998's The Far Orbit Project, authored by Timothy S. O'Brien. This book, a supplement for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, followed the privateering ship Far Orbit, echoing the theme of the earlier Pirates & Privateers. In the scenario hook called The Hutt Gambit, players have the option to contact the Hutts to obtain additional supplies and services for a fee. While not explicitly stated, the book implies that Puullo is involved in these dealings and later becomes the primary contact for the Far Orbit crew when trading goods. Puullo and the Hutts might require the characters to pass a test before finalizing the agreement. If the Far Orbit crew attacks a Xizor Transport Systems' transport, Puullo will terminate the deal with the frigate, declaring the agreement null and void.


  • The Far Orbit Project (First mentioned)

Notes and references
