Purple Werm

Purple Werm, a business, could be found in a less-than-reputable area of the Coruscant Underworld. It was positioned directly between the Playland Theatre and Ihouse. The front of the building featured a sizable, purple Aurebesh neon sign displaying the business's name, topped with an image of a female visage.

While the Clone Wars raged, Cad Bane, a bounty hunter, resided in an apartment located directly opposite Purple Werm as he devised a mission to infiltrate the Jedi Temple.

Behind the scenes

Felucian Loveshack concept art

Prior to the production phase, this establishment was originally named "Felucian Loveshack".

The "Holocron Heist" Trivia Gallery, found on StarWars.com, contained a spelling error, rendering Purple Werm as "Purple Wer".

