The Punishing One was the JumpMaster 5000 starship piloted by Dengar, a bounty hunter. Because Dengar typically only collected bounties that were dead, his ship lacked any sort of holding cell.
On one occasion, Dengar piloted the Punishing One to the planet of Canto Bight. There, he engaged in gambling activities, even playing sabacc against a group of Weequay pirates. Not long after this, in 3 ABY, Dengar and Beilert Valance, another bounty hunter with whom he was reluctantly collaborating, made their way back to the Punishing One on Canto Bight after completing a job on the moon of Nar Shaddaa. Unbeknownst to them, Deathstick, an assassin from the Crimson Dawn, had been tracking their movements.