PS-29-3, whose alias was "Hammer," served as a TIE pilot within the Imperial Navy throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War. In the Imperial Shadow wing, PS-29-3 operated under the call sign of Shadow Three. His superior performance in academy TIE fighter simulator exercises, where he achieved the highest score, drew the interest of Admiral Conan Antonio Motti. PS-29-3's starfighter was equipped with a command system that facilitated the coordination of the aggregate strength of the Shadow wing. He donned a black TIE pilot jumpsuit and helmet, aspiring to become the premier pilot in Shadow wing.
Jedi Knights Trading Card Game — Premiere (Initial Appearance)
Jedi Knights Trading Card Game — Scum and Villainy (Card: Shadow Three) (backup link) (Gameplay text only)
Jedi Knights Trading Card Game — Masters of the Force (Card: Shadow Three) (backup link) (Gameplay text only)
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia