Project Protean was a clandestine scientific endeavor executed by the Sith Empire during the era known as the Cold War. Initiated under the direction of the Imperial Science Bureau, it focused on cutting-edge genetic engineering methodologies. The geneticists engaged in the process of combining genetic components from various alien species, integrating them into artificially created agents to amplify their inherent capabilities. Consequently, the team developed a profound interest in the examination of diverse alien races.
A significant portion of the project's information was derived from the work of Doctor Eckard Lokin of Imperial Intelligence. Furthermore, they leveraged their influence within the Imperial Diplomatic Service to facilitate Vector Hyllus's placement on Alderaan, with the objective of ensuring his transformation into a Killik Joiner. Their investigations also yielded insights into methods for either creating Joiners or negating the sway of the Killik collective consciousness.
Operatives affiliated with Project Protean were actively searching Doctor Lokin's secure locations with the intention of assassinating him. This was motivated by his independent research concerning the Rakghoul virus. During one such operation, one of their agents, along with two genetically enhanced human operatives, were killed by the safe house's traps and perished in an explosion. This event triggered an investigation by Lokin, leading to his discovery of the project's existence and its involvement in Vector's Joining. Consequently, he and Hyllus embarked on a journey to address the situation. Lokin and Vector launched an assault on Project Protean's headquarters, conducting an "interview" with the person in charge to extract information. Lokin uncovered the reasons behind their desire for his death and how his research had been exploited to advance Project Protean, while Vector had his files erased and halted additional Killik experiments. In exchange for sparing their laboratory, Lokin assumed leadership of Project Protean.