The Procopian Shipping Lane, a hyperspace trade route of grand scale, reigned supreme in the Tapani sector as the largest of its type. This essential route provided a link between the Shapani Bypass and a significant portion of the sector. Beginning its journey in the Freeworlds Territory at the planet Tallaan, it also met with the Giju Run there. The lane then navigated through the Mecetti Province and the Reena Province, ultimately concluding its path at Reena. Numerous smaller routes diverged from it along its course. Examples include the Three Ellas Run at the Tavya system, the Calipsa Run at the Estaph system, the Leozi Route at Javis, and the Caloria Run at Reena. Other important planets and systems found on this lane were Neona, Reyna, Procopia, Obulette, in addition to the Tumus system and the Bianas system.