The Prison Break on Kashyyyk, a significant event of the Galactic Civil War, saw Han Solo liberate his close companion and first mate Chewbacca from an Imperial detention facility situated on Kashyyyk. This action sparked a conflict between the forces of the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance.

Sometime before the pivotal Battle of Yavin, the Galactic Empire captured Chewbacca and imprisoned him within a camp located on his native planet, Kashyyyk. Han Solo journeyed to Kashyyyk with the intention of freeing Chewbacca, and if feasible, rescuing numerous other Wookiees as well.
Upon learning of Han Solo's plan, Mon Mothma dispatched troops to Kashyyyk to offer assistance in liberating the Wookiees. The smuggler and the Rebel forces systematically attacked each prison facility on Kashyyyk until they identified the one holding Chewbacca, thereby encouraging Wookiees to rebel and join their cause along the way.

Darth Vader, keen to maintain the valuable Wookiee workforce for the Death Star project, personally traveled to Kashyyyk. There, he augmented a patrol of scout troopers riding 74-Z speeder bike with additional stormtroopers and various vehicles, notably TIE Maulers and All Terrain Scout Transports, with the aim of suppressing the uprising.
The Imperial forces were successful in quelling the rebellion, resulting in the deaths of many Wookiees and Rebel soldiers. Furthermore, they were able to continue their supply of Wookiee slave labor for the construction of the Death Star. Despite the Imperial triumph, Han Solo and Chewbacca managed to escape Kashyyyk aboard the Millennium Falcon. A stormtrooper reported to a Field Commander about Solo's escape, also mentioning that Solo had been wounded. The commander ordered the pursuit and capture of Solo, stating that he "must be made an example of."
This particular battle was featured as the fifth mission in the Rebel campaign and the sixth in the Imperial campaign within the 2006 video game Star Wars: Empire at War. The events detailed in this article represent a synthesis of occurrences from both of these missions.