Preying makthier

Preying makthiers, winged predators, dwelled within the crystal caverns of Makthierse. Their appearance was reminiscent of insect larvae, but they possessed leathery wings resembling those of a bat. These creatures were equipped with two slender, elongated mandibles near their mouths, and their tails featured a paralyzing stinger. Having adapted to life in the depths of caves, they lacked eyesight entirely, relying on sonar to navigate and locate their prey.

Despite their peculiar and almost amusing looks, preying makthiers were formidable predators due to their insatiable hunger. While their diet primarily consisted of small rodents inhabiting the caves, groups as large as ten individuals would descend upon unsuspecting humanoids who inadvertently entered their dens, and occasionally venture beyond their cave dwellings in pursuit of larger meals. A single preying makthier was capable of consuming twice its own weight in a single feeding session. To protect themselves and their livestock from harm, settlers on Makthierse made efforts to avoid establishing settlements near preying makthier habitats. However, the crystal caves of Makthierse formed an intricate network throughout the entire northern continent, and their mapping was incomplete. Sirloss and Tovi Brill, two colonists, discovered that their ranch was situated within makthier territory only when their three-hundred-kilogram lacas were abducted.

The initial attack of preying makthiers involved the use of stingers located on their tails, which contained a venom potent enough to easily incapacitate an adult Human. The stunned prey would then be constricted by the makthier's pliable tail, causing additional harm as the coils tightened. Even if the victim remained conscious, escape would be challenging due to the numerous suckers on the tail that enhanced the makthier's grip. While the venom of a makthier would not cause permanent disability to a victim who managed to escape, some Humans reported experiencing a severe headache once the venom's effects subsided.

