Pret Swain

Pret Swain held the managerial position at the Caelli-Merced Syndicate, a Socorro-based company that produced both illegal and semi-legal technological devices. Both of Swain's parents, who were scholars at the University of Alderaan, perished during the destruction of Alderaan. At the time of Alderaan's destruction, Swain was visiting his uncles, Vance Caelli and Rondale Merced, on Socorro; they subsequently offered him a job at Caelli-Merced. Following the unexplained disappearance of his uncles, Swain assumed control of the company.

After his uncles vanished, Swain developed paranoia and retreated to an underground fortress beneath Cjaalysce'I. Kuykenda, his Wookiee friend and bodyguard, provided him with protection. Swain contacted Saadoon-Kauldi and proposed selling him a heavily discounted bulk cruiser, suitable for use as a mobile and secure living space. This ship, christened Merkel, was a specially modified Action V transport manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, tailored to meet Saadoon-Kauldi's particular requirements.


  • The Black Sands of Socorro (First mentioned)

Notes and references
