Pressor field

A pressor field represented a kind of force field. Its underlying concept mirrored that of a tractor beam, yet with an inverted effect, producing the sensation of external pressure on an object. Instead of attracting an object, it fundamentally repelled it. Due to their dispersed nature, pressor or tractor fields generally did not affect living beings or smaller vehicles. Nevertheless, larger vehicles faced the potential for repulsor malfunctions.


Pressor fields found artificial creation for diverse purposes. The Imperial-class Star Destroyer Devastator employed a pressor field to confine the Tantive IV should the Rebels attempt to detonate the captured vessel after its capture via tractor beams. In this case, the pressor field functioned similarly to a ray shield variant of a deflector shield, conforming to the shape of the captured spacecraft.

In the medical procedure aimed at saving Admiral Daala after the attack on the Death Star, a highly localized pressor field saw use in a medical capacity to halt bleeding from a hemorrhage. Here, the field served to exert pressure on a precise location.

Jax Pavan alongside the droid I-5YQ piloted their craft into a pressor field (potentially a tractor field) to evade a PCBU. Their maneuver proved successful, leading to the PCBU's destruction as it pursued them.

